Recipe Collection: Salisbury Steak Skillet

I have loved Salisbury steak since I was a little girl.  I used to eat it as a frozen dinner…but these days I don’t eat those mainstream frozen things anymore.

I tried a lot of recipes for Salisbury steak, but at first I didn’t like the seasonings.  Then I didn’t like the texture without *any* breadcrumbs, and I wanted it to be a grain-free option.  I found that using a small amount of rice crumbs in the mix worked out, and I make it that way sometimes.  But there’s never enough gravy to go with it, you know?

Hence, the Salisbury steak skillet was born.  No grains.  Plenty of delicious gravy.  Perfect flavors.

Serve alongside mashed potatoes to maintain the gluten/grain free.  Serve with mashed cauliflower if you want GAPS/lower carb.  Serve it alone if you want it to be keto (though you might also want to reduce the wine a bit and add a little butter too).  If you don’t care about special diets, make some homemade mac’n’cheese to enjoy alongside.  This is pretty much for everyone!

Salisbury Steak Skillet


  • 1 lb. grass-fed ground beef
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 8 – 12 oz. mushrooms, sliced
  • 4 – 5 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1/2 tsp. parsley
  • 3 c. beef stock (here’s how I make homemade)
  • 1/2 c. red wine (dry, especially for keto)
  • Salt to taste (start with 1 tsp., more if using unsalted stock)
  • 2 tbsp. arrowroot in 4 tbsp. water (skip if keto)

Step 1: In a 12″ skillet (I use my enameled cast iron), cook ground beef until almost browned.

Step 2: Add onion and mushroom, and cook until softened. (If you’re keto, throw in a couple tbsp. of butter here.)

Step 3: Add garlic, parsley, salt, beef stock, and wine.

Step 4: Simmer for 10 – 15 min, until stock is reduced by about half.

Step 5: Mix arrowroot powder in cold water until dissolved, then slowly pour into the skillet, stirring constantly.  Stop when it’s as thick as you’d like.  You *can* use this with keto because the additional carbs are negligible, but it’s not technically a keto ingredient.  It is safe for GAPS, gluten-free, and most other diets.  (You can sub cornstarch, potato starch, tapioca starch, etc. too, although corn and potato aren’t safe for GAPS or keto.)

That’s it!  It’s super, super easy.  I serve mine over mashed potatoes, and alongside some fresh fruit.  Below is my toddler’s plate.  He insisted on having some while I was photographing it, and then said “I love onions!”  He’s not the only one — my 5 and 7 year-olds will eat them raw off my cutting board!

Family-pleasing meal in one pan, ready in less than 45 min.  Perfect.

Salisbury Steak Skillet

Out of this world flavor, Salisbury steak skillet recipe made with real food ingredients.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American


  • 1 lb. ground beef grass-fed
  • 1 large onion sliced
  • 8-12 oz. mushrooms sliced
  • 4-5 cloves garlic sliced
  • 1/2 tsp. parsley
  • 3 c. beef stock
  • 1/2 c. red wine
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp. arrowroot in 4 tbsp. water skip if keto


  • In a 12″ skillet (I use my enameled cast iron), cook ground beef until almost browned.
  • Add onion and mushroom, and cook until softened. (If you’re keto, throw in a couple tbsp. of butter here.)
  • Add garlic, parsley, salt, beef stock, and wine.
  • Simmer for 10 – 15 min, until stock is reduced by about half.
  • Mix arrowroot powder in cold water until dissolved, then slowly pour into the skillet, stirring constantly. Stop when it’s as thick as you’d like.


You *can* use this with keto because the additional carbs are negligible, but it’s not technically a keto ingredient.  It is safe for GAPS, gluten-free, and most other diets.  (You can sub cornstarch, potato starch, tapioca starch, etc. too, although corn and potato aren’t safe for GAPS or keto.)

How do you feel about Salisbury steak — weird cafeteria food or delicious meal?

About the author

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2 thoughts on “Recipe Collection: Salisbury Steak Skillet”

  1. You could try grape juice or apple cider vinegar diluted half and half with water and a bit of salt added. Surprisingly enough, wine adds some sugar and zing to the recipe, which these replicate pretty well.


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