DIY Immune Supporting Tea

I’m a little gun-shy about illness at the moment.

We had such a rough two years for my husband and somewhat for my daughter as we were going through his detox and still healing her (you can read Rebekah’s story if you haven’t for more details on that).  While the rest of us were *usually* okay, we had a few minor illnesses.  Dealing with someone not feeling well for some reason practically every week — sometimes more than once — plus the awful Jan. – March in 2011 and 2012 was just…rough.  Sometimes I even feel anxious about potential illness and worry any time someone does anything out of the ordinary…just in case.

So although I’m not going to let this stop us and make us hole up in our home all winter long (that doesn’t sound like fun!), I will be taking some precautions when we go out, especially if we are going to heavily-populated areas, like indoor playgrounds.  If I can try for a little prevention, maybe we can avoid most illness this winter.  I would be so thankful if we managed that!

This immune-supporting tea is one of the precautions I am taking.  When we went to COSI last week, I made up a couple quarts and made sure I had one and that each of my kids had a cup of it too.  It’s something I’d make anytime I thought they might get exposed, or if I knew we had been exposed, or at the first signs of illness.

The ingredients in Immune Supporting Tea include some adaptogenic herbs (for a big boost of vitamins and minerals) and some specifically immune-supporting herbs (to help banish any cold, flu, etc. we might run across).  I pair this with our FCLO, some doTERRA “On Guard” on their feet, and plenty of healthy food.

Immune Supporting Tea


  • 2 tbsp. nettles
  • 2 tbsp. oatstraw
  • 1 tbsp. elderberries
  • 1 tsp. echinacea
  • 1 slice fresh ginger
  • 1 quart boiling water
  • Raw honey to taste


In a quart jar, add all your herbs.

Pour boiling water over the mix, shake or stir (shake with lid on, obviously) to combine.  Let this sit overnight or for several hours.

The next day, strain the herbs out.

Add raw honey to taste.  (This is a very sweet mix and the strong ginger flavor doesn’t really come through.)

Shake or stir to combine with honey and drink.

Easy! Immune supporting tea is a great addition to your arsenal…just in case. 🙂

If you want to avoid junky comfort food this winter but still enjoy your favorites (the better to keep your immune system running well!), try our 42 delicious recipes in Wholesome Comfort.

Immune Supporting Tea


  • 2 tbsp nettles
  • 2 tbsp oatstraw
  • 1 tbsp elderberries
  • 1 tsp echinacea
  • 1 slice fresh ginger
  • 1 quart boiling water
  • Raw honey to taste


  • Add all your herbs to a quart jar.
  • Pour boiling water over the mix, shake or stir to combine.  Let this sit overnight or for several hours.
  • Strain the herbs out and add raw honey to taste.

How do you keep your immune system strong in the winter?

**This post has been entered in Frugal Days and Sustainable Ways, Wildcrafting Wednesday.**
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0 thoughts on “DIY Immune Supporting Tea”

  1. I love this and I am anxious to try it. I have a question about the nettle….do you use the powder, the root????
    So glad I found your blog!

  2. I have a reaction to stinging nettle. Is there something else I can use instead? Also, do you dilute the tea for your children?

    In advance, thank you for your time and help!

  3. Where do you purchase these herbs? Do you buy them fresh or dried? Do the last long (I.e. can I buy a bunch or do I only buy what I will use right away)? I’m not too familiar with herbs yet! 🙂 Thanks!

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  6. Kate,
    I LOVE this recipe! I make it and drink it EVERY Monday and when friends call asking for help, I always have them drink this first to boost their immune systems.
    Thank you!
    His Herbal Way

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