Image by braindamaged217
Ringworm is not a worm but actually a fungus. It gets its name from the common ring it makes on the skin. It is highly contagious and can easily spread from touch to others or to another part of your body. Though commonly found in children it can also be found in adults and pets. Symptoms can be bothersome but often can be easily fixed naturally with things you likely have one hand.
- Red ring
- Blisters
- Inflammation
- Itchiness
- Crust covering the site
- Scaly to touch
Ring worm is passed by:
- Person to person (Touching someone else who has it)
- Person to self (Spreading it over your own body)
- Thing to person (Ex. Using the same towel as someone who has it)
- Animal to person (Ex. Dog having it)
- Soil to person (Getting it from the soil)
Ringworm is fungal – so can be treated anti-fungal means. Luckily there are many natural anti-fungal’s out there. A few are:
- Tea Tree Oil – This always makes my must have list and this is one reason why – it’s anti-fungal. Mix it with some coconut oil to make a paste and apply to the area.
- Aloe Vera – Though this will not get rid of the fungus aloe helps with the irritation of the skin from the rash.
- Licorice root – This anti-fungal is commonly effective in treating skin irritations, including ringworm. Mix 5 table spoons in bowling water and let simmer. Apply to the affected area a few times a day.
- Ginger tea – Ginger tea has so many wonderful uses – including this. You can drink the tea or make a compress and place it on the site.
- Raw garlic paste –This is likely the most easy and most common for everyone to have on hand. Garlic has anti-fungal properties. Blend up about 6 teaspoons to make a paste. You can apply up to three times a day with a Q-tip or online casino cotton ball.
** It is crucial to continue treatment for a week or two after the symptoms Dit wordt ‘ live roulette ’ genoemd. have cleared in order to prevent re-occurrence.
It is important with ringworm to remember the fact that it is contagious. It can be easily treated but if you are not taking care of what comes into contact with the site you will just spread it along yourself and others. Wash sheets, clothing, and anything else that it could have spread to in order to keep from contracting it again after you heal it. Sometimes it can be present without symptoms so be sure to take protective measures when around others, especially large crowds of people such as the beach. Do not use others towels, clothing, or go barefoot in communal showers or locker rooms.
If you fear your pet has ringworm keep the infected pet away from other animals and humans to prevent contamination. Symptoms with animals are similar to those of humans. Make sure you are wearing gloves and other protective gear when handling your pet and consult your veterinarian.
We’ve had ringworm in the past and have treated with just the reg. OTC creams. I have a single spot on my hand right now that sort of looks like ringworm, but it’s not spreading or growing (it’s a little smaller then the size of a pencil eraser) and no one else in the house has any symptoms of it (animals or people). It went away for a few days or a week or so but now it’s back again!
I’ll have to try the garlic paste as that is all I have on hand right now. I will be able to make my first doTerra order in a few days that will help in having more natural remedies around in the future.
Oregano Oil consistently applied worked wonders for my little one! Great post…thank you!
I have ringworm on my inner elbow area, have had it on and off for 4 years! If I use TTO on it for a few consecutive weeks it goes away but always comes back! Any thoughts??
I think my toddler has ringworm. Thought it was just a reaction to cheap diapers until I saw this post. I put 3 or 4 drops of tea tree oil in some coconut oil and have used it a few times. But my husband is ready to grab whatever OTC he can find, because it isn’t gone already. 🙁 I have read that garlic will burn so I don’t want to try that one. Any idea how much tea tree to coconut oil we should use? I will also make some ginger tea tonight.
Well truly said treating ringworm is very easy now a days. There are many herbal methods through which ringworm are treated. If proper ways are followed to treat the ringworm then it will be cured within two weeks otherwise it will take three weeks to cure according to the condition of the ringworm.
Ringworm Treatment
Grapefruit seed extract is what I use. I am putting it on my 2 year old daughter’s ringworm and it is working well!
Don’t get the stuff from the grocery store, it never works. I got some Dermariche with tea tree oil and it was gone in two days
What ever happened to putting iodine in and around the circle ?! That’s what worked when I was a kid!
a problem of ring worm has suffer alot to me since last one year i use all ointiments which may available in pharmacy s so i suffer so many sleep less night s by thinking about it it has allon my back please give me good suggestion