DIY: Third Trimester Tea

This is a tea I’ve been drinking every night for a few weeks now (yes, I’m in my third trimester — already!!).  I look forward to sitting down with my cup of steaming tea each evening after the kids are in bed and it’s time to relax.  What do you know…I’ve found a way to have my daily tea, even with four busy kids!  I just needed a new routine. 🙂

If you’re familiar with pregnancy or third trimester teas, then two of the ingredients in this blend won’t surprise you.  But the third one probably will.

You see, I have a small obsession with it.  I love everything about it.  The look, the smell, the flavor.  You may not even be aware that it’s edible…but it is!  And it’s a wonderful addition to this simple tea.

It takes only minutes to mix up the dry ingredients, and then brewing is as simple as any other loose leaf tea.  I recommend using a tea basket (not ball) if you can because it better allow for the tea leaves to expand as they’re steeping, giving better flavor.  I love mine.

Now!  The recipe.

Third Trimester Tea

The two main ingredients in this third trimester tea are red raspberry leaf and nettle leaf — no surprise there.

Red raspberry leaf is rich with nutrients, and it helps to tone the smooth muscles in the body (like the uterus), which can help make labor quicker, easier, and less painful.  We all want that, yes?

Nettle leaf is considered a weed by many, but it, too, is extremely rich in nutrients.  Both of these are commonly used in pregnancy because they’re safe and so very nourishing.

The surprise ingredient?  Rose petals.

Yes, rose petals are edible!  I’ve always loved the look and scent, but it hadn’t occurred to me to eat them.  Then I had a bottle of kombucha that contained roses as one of the flavors.  It was so subtle but so wonderful, I knew I had to find other ways to use it.  Roses are also good for hormone balance and some herbalists recommend them postpartum.  I’m only using a little bit here, mostly for flavor, but I may step it up after baby arrives.  In a few weeks I’ll share my new postpartum blend!


  • 2 parts red raspberry leaf
  • 1 part nettle leaf
  • 1/4 part rose petals


Step 1: Combine all herbs in a large glass jar or plastic bag.  Shake to combine, or use your hands to mix.

To brew your third trimester tea:

Step 2: Heat water until almost boiling.  Add 1 – 2 tbsp. of the blend to a tea basket.  Pour water over it in a mug and allow it to steep 15 – 20 minutes.  This will produce a rather strong tea, which I like — “normal” teas taste very weak to me, but infusions are too strong.  This is just about perfect.

Step 3: Sweeten lightly with raw honey if you like, but some say the rose petals add enough natural “sweetness” on their own.  Up to you!  I probably use about a teaspoon of honey in my very big mug, which is around 16 oz.

Steo 4: If you want, you can also brew this as an iced tea and sip on it throughout the day.  Steep 1/2 c. of the mix in 2 c. very hot water for 15 – 20 minutes, then add honey (if desired) and additional cold water and ice to make 64 oz. of tea.  Keep it in the fridge and drink within 2 – 3 days.

Super easy!  And super nourishing. 🙂

Have you been drinking any third trimester tea blends?  Have they helped?


About the author

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2 thoughts on “DIY: Third Trimester Tea”

  1. I’m sure you’ve done all of the research on why these herbs/teas are beneficial. Do you have any statistics on why/what they help? Also, I’ve read some things saying it can NOT be a good thing too early. Do you have anything on that as well? Thank you!!


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