Simple Protein Shake for Busy Moms

I can’t tell you how many days it gets to be almost lunch time, and I still haven’t eaten anything.

The kids get breakfast, of course.  But I’m too busy.  I’m doing the dishes or just serving everyone while they’re eating, and then they’re off — and I need to get things done, so I don’t take the time to sit and just eat.  I need something simple…because eventually, mommy gets hangry, and no one wants to see that.

Can you relate?

Too many times, if it’s not forgetting to eat, it’s eating junk.  Hiding in the closet with a bag of (healthy-ish) potato chips or a dark chocolate bar…so you don’t have to share with the kids.

But really, mamas, we have to do better than this.  We have to.  Especially when we’re pregnant or nursing and we’re not only nourishing ourselves!

This simple shake can be done two different ways and is delicious either way.  It just depends on what you’re in the mood for.

Simple Protein Shake for Busy Moms pinterest

Simple Protein Shake for Busy Moms

I know that sometimes, I’m in the mood for something fruity…and sometimes, I want a little chocolate.  So, I’m giving you both options.

Fruity Protein Shake


  • 1/2 c. plain whole milk yogurt
  • 1/2 c. frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 c. frozen mangoes
  • 2 scoops Vital Proteins Whey Protein (unflavored)
  • Water or ice as needed for desired consistency


Step 1: Throw everything in a blender and blend until smooth.  Add extra water or ice depending on how thick you like it.  Makes one serving.

Chocolate Protein Shake


  • 1/4 c. nut butter
  • 1/2 c. milk (preferably whole, raw milk)
  • 1 banana or 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp. maple syrup
  • 2 scoops Vital Proteins Whey Protein (unflavored or chocolate)
  • Ice as needed


Step 1: Throw everything in a blender and blend until smooth, adding ice to achieve desired consistency.

This one’s extra-protein packed from the nut butter, and extra healthy-fat-packed from the avocado, if you use it.

whey protein powder

A Note on Protein Powders

A lot of the protein powders out there are…not so great.  They’re processed at high temps and contain denatured amino acids.  Not something you should be eating.

Vital Proteins does it differently, though.  Their powder starts with the milk from grass-fed cows.  It’s cold-processed and doesn’t use acids, so it’s as natural as possible.  It contains no filler ingredients or extra junk at all.  Each serving has 26 g of protein.  It helps to support a healthy body, including lean muscle mass.

It’s safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding…and if you’re having trouble getting enough protein in, it may be especially beneficial to you!  (It’s certainly better than skipping meals!)

The Vital Proteins whey protein is just about the cleanest one you can get.  (Find it here.)

We’ll be talking more about protein powders later over on Modern Alternative Health.  If you’re not sure about them, make sure you don’t miss it!

How do you get your protein in?  Have you tried a protein shake?


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