Recipe Collection: Taco Potatoes

When I was on the trip with the wonderful people over at Redmond Clay/Real Salt, they had some seriously delicious food.  A couple of the dishes involved layering potatoes with meat, veggies, cheese, and spices and these were especially yummy.  I used these ideas as a jumping off point to create my own meat-and-potatoes layered dish, and it became taco potatoes.

It’s simple to put together, it can be baked quickly or slowly, and great for a party.  I would normally layer cheese in it too, but we had friends over who are dairy-free, so I skipped that and put a little on at serving for those of us who could eat it.  It’s yummy regardless.

Recipe Collection: Taco Potatoes


  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 2 bell peppers, chopped (any color)
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 tbsp. taco seasoning
  • 2 – 3 lbs. of potatoes, sliced
  • 8 oz. pepper jack cheese (or cheddar)


Step 1: Brown the ground beef.

Step 2: When it’s done, add the peppers and onions.

Step 3: While this is cooking (stir and let it soften), place a layer of the potatoes in a 9×13 pan.

Step 4: When the mixture is cooked and veggies are tender, add the taco seasoning and stir well.

Step 5: Pour about 1/3 of the meat over the potatoes and spread it out.  Sprinkle with cheese.

Step 6: Layer more potatoes, more meat, more cheese.  You will do 3 layers.

Step 7: Cover the dish with foil and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven, remove the foil, and it’s done!  Super easy.  Serve with green onions, sour cream, more cheese, or your favorite toppings.

What’s your favorite Mexican dish…or casserole?

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9 thoughts on “Recipe Collection: Taco Potatoes”

  1. This looks so yummy! I want to let you know I would love to see you do a simple blog post on cooking with grassfed beef in skillet vs normal ground beef from store. I have been researching to see if you need to add some fat to it to cook it in skillet. I have not found any articles online that relate to this. We currently to do use grassfed beef yet. We are planning to make the switch soon. I feel others might could use the help learning the difference of cooking with grassfed beef. This is just a suggestion! I love your blog and I learn so much from it. I appreciate all the wealth of information you share!

  2. I seriously love this site. This is exactly the kind of recipe I needed for tonight with the ingredients I have on hand!! Minus the bell peppers but maybe I’ll improvise with some spinach I have 🙂


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