Recipe Collection: Soaked Whole Grain Bread

This whole-grain bread is delicious!  Include the seeds for extra texture and flavor, or don’t — depends on your family’s presence.  Either way, you will love it.

If you’re curious about the soaking part, you might want to read about why we soak grains, and the basics on how to prepare grains.  If you’re wondering why I post bread recipes at all when so many people are talking about how evil wheat is, you might want to read are grains good or bad?

This recipe is soft and delicious with a crispy crust on the outside.  It contains caraway seeds, which I love.  You can leave the seeds out if you prefer, and then you’ll just have a delicious whole wheat bread.

Soaked Whole Grain Bread


  • 3 c. freshly ground whole wheat flour
  • 3 tbsp. raw honey
  • 2 tbsp. caraway seeds (optional)
  • 1/4 c. sunflower seeds (optional)
  • 1/4 c. coconut oil or butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/4 c. raw milk or cultured milk (buttermilk or equal parts yogurt and water)
  • 2 tsp. sea salt
  • 3 tsp. yeast


Step 1: Combine the whole wheat flour, honey, and seeds in a large bowl.

Step 2: Add the coconut oil, egg, and raw milk and stir it all up.

Step 3: Cover with a towel and set it in a warm location overnight, or for about 12 hours (a bit longer is fine too but it will taste increasingly sour).

Step 4: In the morning, sprinkle salt and yeast over the dough.

Step 5: Knead this in for several minutes, until you can’t see any more flecks of yeast and the dough is smooth and elastic.  Let it rise for about 2 hours in a warm place, then punch it down and shape into loaves.

Step 6: Allow the bread to rise in the pans for another 1 – 2 hours, until it has crested the pans.  Preheat the oven to 350, and bake the bread for about 45 minutes, until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped.

That’s it!  Super simple and super yummy bread!

Soaked Whole Grain Bread

A delicious whole grain bread recipe made from real food ingredients.
Cook Time 45 minutes
Course Side Dish
Servings 2 loaves


  • 3 c. whole wheat flour
  • 3 tbsp. sucanat, organic cane sugar, or raw honey
  • 2 tbsp. caraway seeds
  • 1/4 c. sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 c. coconut oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/4 c. raw or cultured milk
  • 2 tsp. sea salt
  • 3 tsp. yeast


  • Combine the whole wheat flour, sucanat, and seeds in a large bowl.
  • Add the coconut oil, egg, and raw milk and stir it all up.
  • Cover with a towel and set it in a warm location overnight, or for about 12 hours (a bit longer is fine too but it will taste increasingly sour).
  • In the morning, sprinkle salt and yeast over the dough.
  • Knead this in for several minutes, until you can’t see any more flecks of yeast and the dough is smooth and elastic. Let it rise for about 2 hours in a warm place, then punch it down and shape into loaves.
  • Allow the bread to rise in the pans for another 1 – 2 hours, until it has crested the pans. Preheat the oven to 350, and bake the bread for about 45 minutes, until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped.

What do you like to do with your bread — sandwiches, toast, or just straight out of the oven with butter?

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5 thoughts on “Recipe Collection: Soaked Whole Grain Bread”

  1. I’m confused; in the links you talked about not soaking in a dairy medium because of the calcium. But you soak in milk here. Is there new research to this? Could you clarify. Thanks! This looks delicious.


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