Recipe Collection: Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake

By Sarena-Rae Santos, Natural Health Blogger

Pumpkin spice. The holy grail of fall. Well, it depends on who you ask. But if you ask me, it’s the holy grail. Could you believe there was a time I was convinced I hated pumpkin spice? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a pumpkin pie fan, but pumpkin spice is where it’s at! 

Since I have never enjoyed pumpkin pie, despite it seemingly being necessary for Thanksgiving, I decided to mash my favorite cake (cheesecake) with the holiday tradition of pumpkin. To my surprise, I now have a year-round favorite, and hopefully, you will too!

Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake


  • 15 oz. pumpkin puree (I use pure canned pumpkin)
  • 8 oz. cream cheese (softened)
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • 3 tbsp. pumpkin spice seasoning (make your own pumpkin spice seasoning)
  • 2 eggs (I use 2 tbsp. ground flaxseeds + 6 tbsp. water that sat for 5 minutes)
  • 1 ½ tsp. vanilla extract (make your own vanilla extract)
  • ½ tsp. pink salt
  • Pie crust (I use Mi-Del Gluten-Free Pie Crust, but you can make your own Almond and Coconut Flour Pie Crust)


Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350ºF before adding the cream cheese to a large bowl and beating with an electric stand or hand mixer until it’s lump-free. 

Step 2: Add the sugar, salt, and pumpkin spice seasoning to the bowl, beating until smooth. 

Step 3: Add the pumpkin and vanilla extract to the bowl, beating until fully incorporated, 

Step 4: Add the eggs (or replacement) to the bowl, lightly beating until just combined. Be careful not to over-beat after adding the eggs to ensure an even bake.

Step 5: Pour the filling into the crust, spreading in an even layer before baking for 45 to 50 minutes or until the edges are set, the top looks dry, and the center moves just a little. 

Step 6: Remove from the oven and chill in the refrigerator for at least four hours before serving. Feel free to serve with homemade whipped cream. I like to drizzle Date Caramel Sauce on top.

Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake


  • 15 oz. pumpkin puree
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tbsp. pumpkin spice seasoning
  • 2 eggs (or replacer)
  • 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • Pie crust


  • Preheat the oven to 350ºF before adding the cream cheese to a large bowl and beating with an electric stand or hand mixer until it’s lump-free.
  • Add the sugar, salt, and pumpkin spice seasoning to the bowl, beating until smooth.
  • Add the pumpkin and vanilla extract to the bowl, beating until fully incorporated,
  • Add the eggs (or replacement) to the bowl, lightly beating until just combined. Be careful not to over-beat after adding the eggs to ensure an even bake.
  • Pour the filling into the crust, spreading in an even layer before baking for 45 to 50 minutes or until the edges are set, the top looks dry, and the center moves just a little.
  • Remove from the oven and chill in the refrigerator for at least four hours before serving. Feel free to serve with homemade whipped cream. I like to drizzle date caramel sauce on top.


Have you ever tried pumpkin spice cheesecake?

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