Recipe Collection: Gluten-Free Cheddar Biscuits

By Sarena-Rae Santos, Natural Health Blogger

I absolutely love biscuits. Since going gluten-free, one of my biggest struggles has been finding breads and biscuits I love. Most of these things are too dense and contain unnecessary ingredients and preservatives. I hated all the gluten-free options I tried, so I stopped wasting money and started experimenting in the kitchen. While experimenting, I found the secret ingredient to not-as-dense yet moist biscuits – heavy cream!

Heavy cream seems to be the missing piece to the gluten-free puzzle. It allows the biscuit to remain moist and crumbly without that dense, sponge-like texture I prefer to spit out. Of course, it would be a crime to gatekeep the perfect cheddar biscuit recipe, so I figured I would share this spectacular recipe with the world.

Recipe Collection: Gluten-Free Cheddar Biscuits

This recipe was originally curated to be plant-based and gluten-free. Swapping out ingredients to suit your dietary needs or preferences is perfectly fine. 


  • 3 cups gluten-free all-purpose baking mix or flour (you could even use waffle or pancake mix)
  • 13.5 oz. can heavy cream (or dairy-free alternative)
  • 8 oz. cheddar cheese (or dairy-free alternative)
  • 2 eggs (or egg replacement) 


Step 1: Start by preheating the oven to 400ºF. As the oven is preheating, if you’re using an egg replacer, add it to a small bowl with water and allow it to thicken for about five minutes. 

Step 2: Separate the wet and dry ingredients. Add the gluten-free all-purpose flour and cheddar cheese in a large mixing bowl and combine.

Step 3: Add the eggs (or egg replacer) and the heavy cream to a second bowl and mix well.

Step 4: Combine the wet ingredients (eggs/egg replacer and heavy cream) with the dry ingredients (gluten-free all-purpose flour and cheddar cheese).

Step 5: After combining the wet and dry ingredients, knead the mixture until it forms a soft, slightly wet dough. Separate and roll the dough into eight balls.

Step 6: Place the dough balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and lightly smack the top to create a biscuit shape.

Step 7: When the oven has reached the desired temperature, cook the biscuits for 20 minutes.

Gluten-Free Cheddar Biscuits


  • 3 cups luten-free all-purpose baking mix or flour
  • 13.5 oz. heavy cream
  • 8 oz. cheddar cheese
  • 2 eggs (or replacement)


  • Start by preheating the oven to 400ºF. As the oven is preheating, if you’re using an egg replacer, add it to a small bowl with water and allow it to thicken for about five minutes.
  • Separate the wet and dry ingredients. Add the gluten-free all-purpose flour and cheddar cheese in a large mixing bowl and combine.
  • Add the eggs (or egg replacer) and the heavy cream to a second bowl and mix well.
  • Combine the wet ingredients (eggs/egg replacer and heavy cream) with the dry ingredients (gluten-free all-purpose flour and cheddar cheese).
  • After combining the wet and dry ingredients, knead the mixture until it forms a soft, slightly wet dough. Separate and roll the dough into eight balls.
  • Place the dough balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and lightly smack the top to create a biscuit shape.
  • When the oven has reached the desired temperature, cook the biscuits for 20 minutes.

What’s your favorite flavor to add to biscuits?

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