Recipe Collection: Simple Chicken Tacos {Guest Post}

This is a guest post by Katie Stanley of Nourishing Simplicity.  We are having a series of guest posts this month and next so that Kate can enjoy her new baby!

Mexican is one of my favorite cuisines. I eat it several times a week, of course, that might have something to do with living in Mexico. Needless to say, I love it!

The foods of Mexico tend to be based on frugal, basic, easy to prepare foods. Sure there are your elaborate, expensive dishes but the everyday food of Mexico is filling, delicious and perfect for the busy household.

When I want a filling and tasty meal that is ready in less than 30 minutes chicken tacos are my go to. They use leftover chicken.

Simple Chicken Tacos

Simple Chicken Tacos

Approximately 5 servings.


  • 1 lb shredded chicken
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 3 TBS lard, tallow or olive oil
  • 10 corn tortillas (or soaked whole wheat)


Step 1: Over medium heat saute the onion in fat of choice. Sprinkle with the salt. Once they are almost soft add the garlic. Cook for two minutes.

Step 2: Add the chicken, tomatoes and cumin to the pan. Cook for about five minutes or until the tomatoes and cooked and the chicken is heater though.

Step 3: While the filling for the tacos is cooking. Bring grill or saute pan to a medium heat. Warm one tortilla (or as many as your pan/grill can fit) at a time. Warm for about 30 seconds on both sides.

Step 4: Place tortillas between a few layers of towels to keep warm.

To serve: Divide the filling between the tortillas. Serve with option sides and garnishes.

Optional Garnishes:

Lacto-fermented sweet chili and onions
Lacto-fermented jalepenos
Lacto-fermented Red Salsa
Shredded Lettuce
Cortido (Latin American Sauerkraut)
Roasted Red Salsa
Green Salsa

Optional Sides:

Mexican Rice
Crock Pot Pinto Beans
Refried Beans
Tortilla Soup
Green Tortilla Soup

What is your favorite easy to prepare meal?

Katie is a dorm “mama” to 16 amazing girls ages 5 to 18 at a home and school for the Deaf in Baja California, Mexico. She is happiest in the kitchen creating nourishing meals and home remedies or outside with at least one of her girls at her side. She grew up using herbal supplements but didn’t discover the joy of making her own until 2008. Katie is passionate about real food, herbs and simple living. You can find her blogging about all these things and more on her blog, Nourishing Simplicity where she is living simply by God’s grace.


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