Recipe Collection: Breakfast Quesadilla

Written by Rachel Marie and updated by Sarena-Rae Santos in November of 2023. 

Sometimes, breakfast can be boring. Do you ever think so?

I’m trying to be better about eating breakfast myself, especially since it helps support my metabolism and immune system. My kids have the same old breakfast foods: cereal, yogurt with granola, oatmeal, or an organic bar (for convenience…sometimes) over and over, and never complain about it.

I should make eggs more since they are healthy, but we aren’t doing that now because I recently came across a neat idea to incorporate something my kids love… quesadillas and to give them a breakfast twist!

Breakfast Quesadillas


  • 2 whole wheat tortillas (learn how to make soaked tortillas)
  • 1/2 apple, chopped
  • 1/2 pear, chopped
  • craisins, raisins, or dried fruit of your choice
  • 1+ tbsp. honey (raw would be best)
  • 1+ tbsp. nut butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut oil


Step 1: Spread the nut butter onto one of the tortillas, then add fruit and dried fruit.

Step 2: Drizzle honey onto the other tortilla (and spread if you want) and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Step 3: Turn the burner to medium heat, and add about 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to the pan.

Step 4: Place tortillas on top of each other like a sandwich, then into a pan. Cook until both sides are crisp.

Step 5: Cut with a pizza cutter and enjoy!

Breakfast Quesadillas


  • 2 whole wheat tortillas
  • 1/2 apple chopped
  • 1/2 pear chopped
  • craisins raisins, or dried fruit of your choice
  • 1 + tbsp. honey raw would be best
  • 1 + tbsp. nut butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut oil


  • Spread the nut butter onto one of the tortillas, then add fruit and dried fruit.
  • Drizzle honey onto the other tortilla (and spread if you want) and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  • Turn the burner to medium heat, and add about 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to the pan.
  • Place tortillas on top of each other like a sandwich, then into a pan. Cook until both sides are crisp.
  • Cut with a pizza cutter and enjoy!

What do you like to serve your kids for breakfast?

About the author

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