DIY: Calming Peanut Butter Cups

Recipe by Kate Tietje, and written by Rustina

Stress has a way of creeping in on our days no matter how much we try to relax. It helps to have that favorite little snack, but then all that processed sugar hits the digestive tract! The sugar crash, upset stomach, or just makes the candida overgrowth worse! How about that delicious snack, but with healthy ingredients?


Now that is a great step to helping your stress levels! These delicious little cups are made with adaptogenic powders. Adaptogenic herbs are ones that help your body to respond and adjust to the effects of stress. These are great for your body any time, and very helpful to add into your diet!


About the Ingredients


Cocoa Calm features a “superfood” and 3 great adaptogenic herbs:


Cocoa has been shown to reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar, improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and improve immune function. Cocoa powder is also a prebiotic, and promotes gut health! It may also protect and improve brain health, and reduce allergic reactions.  Some of these benefits are canceled out when eating chocolate in the form of candy, due to the high sugar content – but this powder, without added sugar, preserves them all!


Ashwagandha is a super food in its own right!  It has been shown to reduce anxiety, lower inflammation, and improve resistance to stress.  It’s also great for men’s health, improving testosterone levels and increasing strength and muscle mass.


Rhodiola is known for its ability to protect against stress, promote heart health, fight aging, lower inflammation, and may even protect against cancer!  It also protects brain health, and aids in learning and memory.


Eleuthero has a long history of use as an adaptogen, especially for athletes.  It helps reduce stress and improve recovery time, as well as supporting the immune system. It’s beneficial to help with temporary sleep deprivation as well.


We also added astragalus root, which is a great immune support and adaptogen! 


Adaptogenic PB Cups




Step 1: Add 12 oz of unsweetened baking chocolate, broken into pieces and let it melt.


Step 2: Add 2 tbsp Cocoa Calm and ½ cup raw honey and stir well.


Step 3: Add ½ cup natural peanut butter to a bowl, along with 2 tbsp astragalus root powder and 6 tbsp maple powdered sugar.  I just ran maple sugar through a blender to make this.


Step 4: Stir this until well-combined.


Step 5: Pour about 1 tsp of the melted chocolate mix into each cup.


Step 6: Scoop about 2 tsp of the peanut butter mix on top of the chocolate and gently flatten it.


Step 7: Pour another 2 tsp of chocolate mix on top of the peanut butter until it’s completely covered.


Step 8: When all of the chocolate and peanut butter have been used – this makes about 16 individual cups – place the mold in the freezer for about 20 minutes, until chocolate is hardened.


Step 9: Once they’re frozen, they’re ready to pop out!


Looking for more stress relief ideas?

You can find more ideas to help with stress in 4 Steps to Overcome Stress and Natural Ways to Reduce Stress & Anxiety.

Check out all of Earthley’s Calming Products


Looking for more recipes with a purpose?

If you are looking for more stress reducing treats, try our Stress-Reducing Chocolate Balls!

Or check out these heart healthy Hawthorn Berry Brownies!

If you want to try another peanut butter cup recipe, try our plain Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups.

Calming Peanut Butter Cups


  • 12 oz of unsweetened baking chocolate
  • 2 tbsp of Cocoa Calm
  • ½ cup of raw honey try this one
  • ½ cup of natural peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp of astragalus powder
  • 6 tbsp of maple powdered sugar


  • Step 1: Add 12 oz of unsweetened baking chocolate, broken into pieces and let it melt.
  • Step 2: Add 2 tbsp Cocoa Calm and ½ cup raw honey and stir well.
  • Step 3: Add ½ cup natural peanut butter to a bowl, along with 2 tbsp astragalus root powder and 6 tbsp maple powdered sugar.  I just ran maple sugar through a blender to make this.
  • Step 4: Stir this until well-combined.
  • Step 5: Pour about 1 tsp of the melted chocolate mix into each cup.
  • Step 6: Scoop about 2 tsp of the peanut butter mix on top of the chocolate and gently flatten it.
  • Step 7: Pour another 2 tsp of chocolate mix on top of the peanut butter until it’s completely covered.
  • Step 8: When all of the chocolate and peanut butter have been used – this makes about 16 individual cups – place the mold in the freezer for about 20 minutes, until chocolate is hardened.
  • Step 9: Once they’re frozen, they’re ready to pop out!

What is your favorite treat?

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