Probiotic Smoothie Popsicles

These Probiotic Smoothie Popsicles are tasty on a hot afternoon and a good alternative to other sweet treats that might not be so health-friendly. They also make good bedtime snacks for Mamas who need a quick bite to eat!

By Sara Baker, Contributing Writer


While it may not officially be summer yet…it certainly feels like it in my kitchen! We have been busy creating yummy ice cream recipes, enjoying watermelons and smoothies, and making popsicles!

Popsicles incontestably say “summer.” While your little ones are slurping down this fun and cold treat, us Mamas can say (not out loud, but maybe to ourselves): “It’s good for you!”

Probiotic Smoothie Popsicles


  • 1 cup plain kefir or yogurt (full fat!)
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries (I used mixed berries from Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-3 Tablespoons of raw honey (or to taste)
  • 1-2 Tablespoons whey (optional, will make popsicles more “icy” and perhaps harder for younger children to eat)


Mix all ingredients until smooth in a blender. Make sure there are no chunks. Taste and adjust sweetness if needed.

Pour into popsicle molds and freeze until hard. This recipe makes 5-6 popsicles in my popsicle mold, but it will depend on the size of your molds. I usually make 4 popsicles and give the rest of the mix for my son to slurp down.

Probiotic Smoothie Popsicles

I like to use raw milk kefir in this recipe for the probiotics. Yogurt has good probiotics, too. You can play around with fruits that your family prefers or what is available to you. These popsicles are tasty on a hot afternoon and a good alternative to other sweet treats that might not be so health-friendly. They also make good bedtime snacks for Mamas who need a quick bite to eat!

Enjoy your summer!

What are your favorite hot summer treats?


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4 thoughts on “Probiotic Smoothie Popsicles”

  1. Having a son who says NO with just the sight of REAL food makes me worry if he is getting enough nutrition needed. He loves sweets and ice cream and popsicles, so I would definitely try this one. Thank you.


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