Natural Remedies for Kids

Natural Remedies for Kids

I took my very last dose of Tylenol sometime in November 2008.

I was pregnant with my second child, had a headache, and I was desperate.  I didn’t yet know about herbal and natural remedies.  I kept it to just half a dose since I was pregnant, and felt guilty about even that.  It was my desire to learn about more natural treatments, but I just didn’t know where to start.

The first few symptoms or illnesses we faced since then — the usual headaches, tummy bugs, and colds — it was practically panic time.  I knew a little about natural remedies, but I didn’t feel at all confident when it came time to actually treat something.  I felt like all the knowledge I had gathered just went out the window….

But here we are, more than 6 years later, and now I’m confident in natural remedies.  I haven’t used any more over-the-counter medicines since that dose of Tylenol in 2008.  What’s more, no one else in my family has, either.  It’s not that we haven’t caught the occasional bug — we have — or that we just “suffer through” (we don’t).  It’s that I now have an arsenal of herbs, oils, and other remedies at my disposal, and I know how to use them.

There’s something powerful about a mom with experience teaching other moms.  You know that she’s in the trenches with you, she’s facing the same situations you are, and she has real-world knowledge to pass on.  It’s how knowledge of so many things — how to give birth, how to feed a healthy family, how to care for sick ones — has been passed down for generations.

That’s what Natural Remedies for Kids is all about.  I’m a mom who set out to learn about natural treatments so that I could help my (almost!) 5 kids through normal childhood illnesses without the use of harsh drugs that can cause side effects.  Most of the symptoms, like fevers, tummy aches, and runny noses are super common and not serious!  Why would I reach for the “big guns” for such simple things?

And it works.  I’ve found my kids rest easier and more peacefully when I treat them naturally, and they feel better faster.

What’s Inside Natural Remedies for Kids?

When I began writing the book — clear back in the spring of 2014 — my goal was to write the book I wished I’d had when I was just getting started.  The book from a mom who knew what she was doing, who could break down all of the confusing information about herbs and other items used in natural remedies without being overwhelming.

The first section of the book walks you through the absolute basics — what natural remedies are (see above!), safely using herbs, basic herbs and supplies for your natural medicine cabinet, basic types of preparations, and more.  This is the part of the book you’ll refer to over and over in the beginning, as you become familiar with terms like infusion, decoction, salve, and so on.  (Trust me — it’s easier than it seems!)

The Symptoms

The next four sections of the book are the actual symptoms and suggestions you need!  You’ll find:

  • Respiratory
  • Digestive
  • Skin & Hair
  • Emotional Needs

Each of these sections is broken down by symptom.

Why symptom?  Because as parents, we don’t always know what’s wrong with our kids, and we don’t want to worry about a diagnosis (it’s not our job — that’s when we call the doctor).  For the minor stuff, like sniffles and tummy aches, we don’t need to know “what it is,” we just need to know how our kid is feeling, so that we can help them feel better.

Check your child’s symptom(s) in the sections, and you’ll find out what can cause it, when it’s serious, and how to treat it.  And I promise — “what to look for” has been reviewed by my very excellent co-author, Dr. Bob, so you can rest assured that a practicing pediatrician and father of 8 has checked the book for medical accuracy, and given you guidelines about when you need to make the call to your own doctor.

Throughout the book, you’ll find sidebars from several of my colleagues, offering advice and information about some of the remedies (see the greenish panel above).  And, lots of “Dr. Bob Says” boxes, where Dr. Bob offers extra advice and information about these symptoms, remedies, and more.  His advice was invaluable when preparing this book!

This book is the perfect marriage of sage medical advice from an experienced professional, and the real-life advice from a mom-who’s-been-there that you need to get started in the alternative world.

The Remedies

At the end of each section, you’ll find recipes for remedies that you need.  (There are simple suggestions after each symptom, but this section includes more complex remedies that you can make.)  I’ve included complete directions for all of my favorite remedies, plus when and how to use them, who shouldn’t use them (some aren’t appropriate for babies, or people with certain medical conditions), and more.

Here’s my favorite cold remedy:

The book is also filled with beautiful full-color photos on nearly every page.  It’s a gorgeous to look at, easy to use, very practical book!

What Others are Saying

A few of my colleagues have gotten a sneak peek at the book!  Here’s what they had to say:

“Kate does a great job of breaking down herbal remedies for children in an easy to understand, must have reference guide. Perfect for beginners and more experienced herbalists alike. There are lots of recipes out there, but this puts everything you need in one convenient book. Safety data, dosages and when to call the Dr. Are all included. I study herbalism and aromatherapy myself and was very impressed with the book’s layout. I’m excited to start making these recipes with my own little one!” —Jamie L from The Herbal Spoon.

“I’m so glad to have a resource like Natural Remedies for Kids!  The thing I love the most is its clarity.  Each ailment listed is accompanied with instructions on how to treat it, recipes for natural remedies, and things to watch for.  I feel confident that I could use these remedies to treat my children’s common mild illnesses.” –Lexie McNeill with Lexie:Naturals

“Kate has crafted a gem in Natural Remedies for Kids. I wish this book had been available when I took the plunge into natural remedies years ago, it would have saved me hours of research! She offers advice for almost any childhood aliment you can think of. Not only does Kate teach you how to care for your children naturally, she also teaches you to make the remedies yourself. Whether it’s scrapes, flu, constipation, or tangled hair this book offers simple natural solutions to use at home. Parents can have a peace of mind knowing exactly what is going in and on their children’s bodies that and they will see gentle and effective results. I am excited to share this book with my readers and friends.” –Katherine Stanley, author of Steeped and

“Kate takes the scary out of trying natural remedies with your little ones.  She walks you through common childhood ailments, explaining the remedies that would work the best.  Then she gives you all the recipes you need to make them.  I love the bits from Dr. Bob that let you know that Kate is right on with what you can tackle at home and when you need to seek outside help.  This is such a confidence booster – I really can do this and these things really work.  Add in the extra words of encouragement and wisdom from herbal experts and you have many hands to hold on the road to using natural remedies with your family.”  ~Hillary at

“Forget the unusual ingredients and complicated instructions, this is a home remedy book anyone can use!  The information is comprehensive and the recipes are simple.  As a mom of many, this is one book I’ll be referencing again and again!” — Amy Roberts,

Order Now

Natural Remedies for Kids arrived in August.  That means it’s available for you to buy right now!

It’s the perfect guide to help your child through the normal winter yuckies — coughs, colds, tummyaches, and more.  I still refer to it, myself, when my little ones don’t feel well!

The book already has 61 reviews on Amazon, with an average of 4.3 stars.  Dozens of moms love the book — and you will, too.

One mama says:

LOVE everything about this book! I was raised with a more natural minded mother so this book is right up my alley. There is tons of great advice and remedies on all kinds of topics- from respiratory ailments to emotional needs and ailments. You name it; it’s covered in this book. I can’t wait to try the cough drops-only 4 ingredients with filtered water being one of them! It’s the perfect resource for natural-minded parents, whether you are just discovering the world of natural remedies or a natural guru! Every recipe has a description next to each ingredient explaining what it does/why it’s in the recipe, which I love! This will be my new go-to for natural remedies for my son!

Another mama says:

Kate and Bob did a wonderful job offering easy, natural solutions for addressing your kids’ common complaints. They are realistic about what can be treated at home and when it’s time to call the doctor. There are many useful remedies (throat drops, antinausea tincture) as well as recipes for natural versions of bug spray, sunscreen, diaper rash salve, and more. This book makes it easy for beginners to take the first step toward natural health solutions for kids and great ideas for parents who are already experienced with natural remedies.

You, too, can be preparing your own remedies in just a couple of days…if you purchase your book now.  Be prepared with the information and remedies you need, so when you hear that first sniffle, or hear “I don’t feel well,” you can respond with “I’ve got this.”  You’ll be your little one’s hero, bringing safe, great-tasting herbal remedies that really make them feel better.  It turns the anxious mama into the confident mama, because she knows what to do!

If you have any questions about the book, please feel free to email me at  I’d love to talk to you!

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