DIY: Teething Tincture

Sarena-Rae Santos is a contributing writer.

For quite a while, my family has been using a teething tea that has proven very safe and effective. It’s our best remedy for teething (and adult toothaches)! When my children were younger and still teething, I’d give them a cup or two of the tea, and they loved it. They’d drink it, especially in the evenings, and it seemed to relieve their pain completely, resulting in less drooling and biting and much better sleep quality.

There were only a few minor problems with the tea:

  • It wasn’t super portable
  • Dosing for younger babies was tricky
  • Some babies didn’t like the taste

That last one wasn’t a problem for us, but it’s one I’ve heard from others. 

The portability issue? If it’s only needed at night, making a bag of the tea mix and taking it with us wherever we find ourselves, is a simple solution. But maybe that’s not enough, and we need to be able to give it “as needed” during daytime outings; it would be tricky to make and carry it.

Plus, many babies start teething at 4-6 months before they are really eating solids, and they can’t simply sip a cup of tea. Many don’t even use a sippy cup (and I don’t recommend much liquid at that age, anyway; they need breast milk or formula mostly).

What’s my solution? I make a tincture instead.

Like the idea of a teething tincture but not ready to make your own? Earthley’s Teeth Tamer ​​naturally soothes pain, drooling, and irritability due to tooth pain. Instead of using harmful medications or synthetic gels with unsafe ingredients and potential side effects, experience the relieving power of herbs. 

Benefits of the Herbs

Before we go over the directions, let’s discuss the health benefits of this tincture, which combines two herbs, both of which play a specific role in overcoming teething and/or tooth/mouth pain.

Clove (not to be confused with clove essential oil) is used because it is good for pain and inflammation. Additional health benefits of clove include:

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Antibacterial properties
  • May reduce stomach ulcers
  • May help regulate blood sugar levels
  • May promote bone health
  • May improve liver health
  • Anticancer properties

Catnip is used because it is calming and reduces pain. Additional health benefits of catnip include:

  • May promote sleep and relieve insomnia
  • May relieve stress and anxiety
  • May relieve coughs, colds, fevers, and asthmatic symptoms
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • May help with gastrointestinal disorders
  • Anticancer properties
  • Insecticidal properties

Teething Tincture

This tincture involves the same ingredients as my tea, except it includes vegetable glycerin as an extractor and (natural) preservative. It’s also much more concentrated, so smaller doses are needed. 


  • 1/2 tbsp. cloves
  • 2 tbsp. catnip
  • 2 oz. filtered water
  • 2 oz. vegetable glycerin


Step 1: Place the herbs in a glass jar.

Step 2: Pour in the glycerin.

Step 3: Add the water.

Step 4: Shake this mixture, cover it, and set it in a cool, dark place for about six weeks. 

Step 5: Strain it out and keep it in a glass bottle. In a perfect world, brown glass. A small glass vial of it could go in a diaper bag or purse if needed on the go.

The dose is about 1 – 2 drops to start. Work up a drop at a time as needed. There’s nothing toxic about this combination; even if the baby drank the entire jar it wouldn’t hurt him/her. Thankfully, only a few drops should be needed making this a cost-effective recipe to keep on hand.

I’ll be making a batch of this soon to use with Nathan when he gets to teething age.  He’s three months old now…where has the time gone?!

What’s your favorite teething remedy?

About the author

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38 thoughts on “DIY: Teething Tincture”

  1. Can u please tell me how can I make a tea with it…
    How much do i need and just pour boling water or add and boil with water….I have a 15 month old son how is teething…

  2. Looks great, Kate! I just started this for our baby. She just turned a month old, but our children have all started teething very early, and sometimes off and on for many, many months until their first teeth pop in. I’m excited to have something here that I made! 🙂

  3. Can I make bigger batches of this to give some to my sister? That is to say, if I increase the recipe for say two bottles, would the concentration be higher?

  4. Pingback: Grassfed Mama 5 Natural Teething Remedies - Grassfed Mama
  5. Is there any way to purchase a jar from you? My angel suddenly started teething like crazy. I don’t have 6 weeks to wait 🙁

    • April,

      You can make it in 2 – 3 days. If you put the jar (all ingredients in it) in a crockpot filled with water (as high as the neck of the jar) and turn it on warm, leave for 2 – 3 days, and it’s done!

  6. I’ve just seen that this recipe calls for 1/4 of the amount of cloves that you recommend in your book (Mama and baby herbal wisdom). Why is that?

  7. I was wondering if you could substitute acv instead of the vegetable glycerin? Or am I mistaken about glycerin being bad for teeth?


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