Monday Health & Wellness: Got Clay?

I don’t know about you, but we’re constantly trying to build up a decent medicine kit around here.  A natural one.  I don’t use any form of OTC or “mainstream” medicine at all (especially not for acute illnesses) and I’m even a bit wary of homeopathy after our recent experience with teething tablets (you’ll hear about that next week).  With so many different options out there, and many of them expensive, it’s hard to know what to include in your medicine cabinet and what not to.  It’s important to have all the basics covered, but you don’t want to have 50 different products on hand, either.  How are you supposed to remember what to use and when?

I’m becoming more choosy about what I really keep around.  I keep things that I really, actually use, that have been proven to help my family in a variety of situations.

Now — what works best *for us* may not be what works best *for you* and you should keep that in mind.  Everybody’s constitution and specific ailments/symptoms and best remedies is going to differ a bit.  This is a jumping off point for you to do some more research to see if what works for us does work for you!

What About Clay?

In this case, I’m talking about Bentonite clay, a specific type of clay that can be used for many different ailments.  We’ve personally used it in many ways and I really do like having it on hand.  It comes in many preparations, from plain ol’ dry powder to various creams, pills, and more.  Redmond Clay specifically (same parent company that makes Real Salt) makes all of these wonderful clay products.

Bentonite clay is a product that carries an electrical charge.  It is negatively charged, and most of the toxins and junk in your body are positively charged.  Therefore, when the clay is taken (it can be used safely internally or externally), it binds with the toxins and carries them safely out of your body.

Pretty neat, no?

Internally, clay can be used for:

  • Food poisoning
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomachaches
  • Indigestion
  • Acid reflux
  • Heart burn
  • Constipation
  • Detox
  • …and more

We have personally used it as a supplement to combat the general “junk” in the system, and did find that it seemed to help.  It’s handy to have around and to be taken at the first sign of illness, to hopefully head off nausea and vomiting.  It can be taken in capsule form, or dissolved in quite a bit of water and simply drunk.  It depends on how you prefer to take it.  Regardless, it is important to drink quite a bit of water, as the clay absorbs a lot, and this will help the “junk” move through your system and out.

Clay is safe to use, non-toxic and I haven’t yet heard of anyone being allergic to it.  For those concerned about achieving an alkaline pH balance, clay can assist with this when taken as a daily supplement.

Externally, clay can be used for:

  • Skin rashes
  • Bug bites
  • Stings
  • Cuts
  • Bruises
  • Acne
  • Aching joints
  • Detox bath
  • …and more!

Using clay as a facial mask can help draw the gunk out of your pores, clearing up your skin (this is probably the best-known use for clay).  Another popular use is in a bath, to pull the toxins out through your skin.  We have done this, and it helps, but it is very messy!

Our favorite use was for a wasp sting.  My 3-year-old was stung and came in the house complaining his arm was red.  I could use the small hole indicating a sting and I knew there were wasps in the backyard.  I administered a homeopathic remedy (apis) and put clay over the sting.  Within an hour, there was no more mark and he said it didn’t hurt anymore.

My husband also used the clay on some small yeast-related bumps on his arms and some poison ivy.  The clay helped to draw these out and heal.

got clay?

Including Clay In Your Medicine Cabinet

So as you see, there are a lot of excellent uses for clay.  It’s very safe to use, and can be used on even younger babies safely (externally).  It has a multitude of uses, meaning that just one product can help with many common ailments — freeing up both space in your medicine cabinet and money!

The best idea is to get clay in at least two preparations, and possibly three.  These would be:

  • Plain powder (to be used as needed)
  • Liquid/paste preparation (to be used immediately on external issues, also travels well)
  • Pills (to be swallowed for internal issues, if you prefer pills to mixing the powder in liquid to drink)

Redmond Clay makes all of these preparations, as well as a clay-based toothpaste called Earthpaste!  We also loved the Earthpaste, because it’s a truly safe and beneficial toothpaste.  I don’t have to worry about my young children swallowing it.  It looks funny (it’s, well, clay-colored), but it tastes good and works well.  It’s so hard to find a truly safe option out there and this is the first one I actually feel good about recommending.  It’s fluoride-free, of course.

Today, THREE lucky winners are going to get to try out clay for their families for free!

This giveaway package includes:

  • 1 – 10 oz Jar
  • 1 – Facial Mud
  • 1 – First Aid
  • 1 – Stomach Health
  • 1 – Earthpaste (you choose wintergreen, peppermint, or cinnamon)

That’s a $50 value.  Pretty awesome!

To enter, you have several options:

  1. Visit their website and tell me why you most want to try clay (REQUIRED)
  2. “Like” Redmond Clay on Facebook (and tell them I sent you!)
  3. “Like” Earthpaste on Facebook
  4. “Like” Modern Alternative Mama on Facebook
  5. “Like” the brand-new Modern Alternative Pregnancy on Facebook!
  6. Email this giveaway to 5 friends

Only the first entry is required; all others are optional (but they increase your chances to win!).  This giveaway will be open through Friday, 8/17/12.  It is open to U.S. residents over 18 years of age.  Three winners will be chosen via WP plugin “And the Winner Is….” and will be announced on Monday, 8/20.  All entries must be left in SEPARATE comments to count.

Good luck!

Naturally Knocked Up Winner

The winner of Naturally Knocked Up, by Donielle Baker, is:


Congratulations!  You should hear by email about claiming your prize.

**This post has been entered in Homestead Barn Hop, Frugal Days and Sustainable Ways.**

Why do you most want to try clay?  Or if you have before, what’s your favorite use?

About the author

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276 thoughts on “Monday Health & Wellness: Got Clay?”

  1. I would like to try adding this to my homemade toothpaste. Also love the idea of putting it in a foot bath! This would be a great addition to my medicine chest.

  2. I’d like to try clay because my hubs definitely has ADD, and it’s likely in our children as well (and probably undiagnosed in my side of the family too!). Being able to take something that helps take out toxins would be AWESOME!

  3. I want to try the clay for some awful pregnancy related heartburn. Nothing is working!
    I like MAM on FB and I liked the new MAP.
    Congrats on the new baby!

  4. I would love to try the clay internally to help with general detox. I have heard so much about it but just haven’t tried it yet!!

  5. I just tried Earthpaste a few weeks ago and loved it! Now I would like to get a jar of the powdered clay so I can use it as needed in a variety of ways (facial, internally, etc).

  6. I visited their website and I most want to try the clay for my skin problems. Their website says that it’s a good option for acne…won’t hurt to try, right?!??!?!

  7. I read an article that talked about using Bentonite clay to extract heavy metals from your body. I really want to use Remond Clay for that very reason. It says it is made of bentonite clay.
    I make smoothies for breakfast and it says on their FB page that you can add it to smoothies.
    Plus it says you get your recommended daily intake of manganese when you use the clay.

  8. I wanted to try to the clay to help my face. I made my own mud pack last night and I like the feel of my face this morning. Still gotta work on the acne, but so far so good!

  9. I’ve been wanting to try Redmond Clay for awhile now, mostly because I’ve heard so many great things about it. I also love using natural remedies and love that clay has so many uses. It would be a great addition to my medicine cabinet.

  10. I checked the website. i currently use OTC, but I’d like to move away from that. This should be a great start!

  11. i have never even heard that clay can be taken internally. would like to try! one by one trying to turn my household natural!

  12. I most want the the Earthpaste. I received a sample last month and loved it. Now I just need to find somewhere to purchase local to me.

  13. We already use it in baths when we have any skin issues, but I really want to try the Earthpaste! I haven’t yet found a natural toothpaste that I am really happy with.

  14. I want to try it as a bath as a detox and as a toothpaste. Currently looking for a healthier toothpaste option!

  15. hi –

    this is so funny – i was just on their website yesterday and was going to order a tube of the First Aid (mosquitos just LOVE my daughter – and she gets huge welts when she gets bitten) when I read that some Whole Foods carry the product – so before i ordered i went to WF and found the tube right away. bought it and used it on my daughter – the welts did not get worse and the itch abated.

    Would love to win this!


  16. I have been weaning myself off of Nexium (which I have taken for almost ten years) and last week was my first week alternating just Prilosec with no antacids except Tums. I am having heartburn as I move into the home stretch (all other steps I had minor discomfort which went away quickly) and was looking for something to help me through this last phase to being medicine-free, and was reading that bentonite clay helps, so what I really want to try is the clay capsules. I would also like to try Earthpaste.

  17. I just found your blog the other day while researching the GAPS Diet for our family. My youngest son is battling a losing battle against eczema and we have used every OTC medicine and nothing is working and I am getting educated on what is in them and I just do not him on them anymore. A friend of ours gave us some clay to put on his skin and he was getting better but unfortunately the closest WF is hours away and we were going to order some online when I saw this post. I cannot go on their webpage right now for some reason, but I have liked all the pages on facebook 🙂 It is nice to see others wanting a more natural life out there; it helps when everyone around us thinks we are weird or just plain crazy 🙂

  18. I want to try it for it’s internal and external benefits. We would probably use it more internally. Thankfully we don’t often have a need for first aid, but it’s always important to have things around just in case!

  19. I enjoy your insights and information. Looked at Redman Clay’s websight cool stuff! I’ve used Bentonite clay with wonderful results. Thanks for the opportunity to win some new products to try. Look forward to trying the toothpaste!

  20. I now like MAP on FB. So excited about the new site! I have PCOS that I am trying to see if I can change with real food, and also want to get pregnant. Collapsing cysts are so painful! And I hate not being able to get pregnant again. (I have two kids, both took about 3 yrs to conceive. My youngest is 7 and no more pregnancies since. 🙁

  21. I would like to try Redmond Clay first aid. I find it interesting how it takes the infection right out! How amazing is that!

  22. I am interested in trying the Redmond clay in toothpaste because I’ve been searching for a more natural toothpaste for a while to get away from some of the additives found in “normal” toothpastes. I like that the clay has “antibacterial properties.”

  23. I have been wanting to find a better toothpaste for my kids especially and I would love to try their earthpaste! I have heard nothing but good about the clay uses in general and would love to add to my “medicine cabinet; 😉

  24. Just visited their website and I am so intrigued by redmond clay – anything for better health and ridding my body of toxins is always something I am on the look out for myself and my family! Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome looking package of essentials!

  25. I am a wife, mother, grandmother to be, aunt, daughter, sister and RN for 35 yrs. I see so many uses for clay that I am totally mesmerized. Traditional medicine has its place but alternative care is vital to prevent the need for traditional interventions. I want to share the healing effects of clay clay and how it can help so many across the lifespan. I would love the opportunity to be able to personally use and then, in good faith, recommend this to everyone I know, personally and professionally.

  26. I just started using Earthpaste, and I love it! I’d really like to try the clay powder, especially for heartburn. I’m pregnant and have been getting occasional heartburn.

  27. I went to the Redmond Clay website! A testimonial about healing from a dog bite was miraculous!

    Right now I use a liquid bentonite as a mouthrinse before bed. It is an amazing teeth whitener and healer!

    It would be great to try Redmond Clay!

  28. Sounds like it can do almost anything! I want to start building up my natural medicine essentials and this would be a great addition.

  29. This sounds like an amazing product that will help with so many different problems. It is a product without any harsh chemcials. Would love to try it on burns (when I’m cooking), insect bites (when working out in the garden). The facial mask sounds fascinating.

  30. I most want to try clay for first aid. I love their Earthpaste! Have been using for a few weeks. I haven’t had the chance to try any of their other products yet.

  31. I love Real Salt and would love to try their Earthpaste, since I’ve heard a lot of good things about it and I am interested in a clay based toothpaste.

  32. I’ve used loose Bentonite clay before (though not the Redmond clay brand) to make homemade calamine lotion and similar things, but I would love to try the Hyrdated Clay tubes. That would be great to have on hand to toss in the diaper bag, etc.

  33. Good morning! As a mom, I would love to try the clay for all the daily minor first aid needs, like the bug bites and stings of the summer! Very interested in learning more about all its other uses as well to share with friends!

  34. i visited the website and would love to add clay to my home natural medicine cabinet to use as illness arises.

  35. how funny! This couldn’t have come at a better time as I have been trying to learn more about Bentonite clay (must’ve heard you or another likeminded blogger mention it recently). Like you, I am most interested in using it to replace all “traditional” items in the medicine cabinet, for both external and internal ailments. I am curious about the internal treatments, and the alkaline properties serving as a toxin neutralizer. I have been to their website and read about the different clay products they offer.

  36. I am excited to try the clay for the detoxification purposes…and I’d love to try the Earthpaste since my kids still swallow their paste (yuck). I liked all the FB pages. But not sure how to email this giveaway.

  37. I want to try Clay b/c I have heard such good things about it and looking for new natural options for my family!

  38. I am doing my best to switch to all natural remedies for ailments, illness, etc. It sounds like clay would be a fabulous option for many different things. I’m really looking forward to trying it!

  39. I would like to try Redmond Clay because it seems like such a good natural way to cleanse and detoxify.

  40. I would like to try the clay on my face. I love their RealSalt product. I alreadly like MAM on FB and liked Redmond Clay on FB.

  41. I “liked” all of the pages and would REALLY like to try the clay for digestion in hopes of relieving some of my occasional pain!

  42. Went to the website. I want to try clay because all the things I have been hearing about it over the past few months make it sound so intriguing and I would like to experiment with it myself.

  43. I want to try clay for it’s detoxification properties. My son has FPIES and we are starting our journey of healing with the GAPS diet. Detoxification is a key element on GAPS, and I think clay would be a wonderful addition to our routine.

  44. I am new to living more “naturally”, and am absolutley fascinated at how well the body and nature work together. In my quest for better living, I would love to welcome Redmond Clay products into my family’s lives! Many thanks to you and Redmond Clay for this opportunity!

  45. I just got some of their clay and I am excited to see if it can help with some issues I have been having this pregnancy. I would like to in more so I can take it as a daily supplement throughout my pregnancy

  46. I “Liked” Modern Alternative Pregnancy on Facebook. I’m so glad you started the page! Very excited…

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