How to Homeschool if Both Parents Have to Work

By Rustina

Homeschooling can be so different for everyone, but is it even possible if both parents have to work? The answer is yes. Will it be simple and easy? No, but then anything worth doing takes time and work, right? It requires dedication and patience. If homeschooling is your wish, then don’t give up on it just because you (or both parents) work!

When my husband and I started off homeschooling, we had just made the decision that I would stay home after our 3rd child was born. Now, eight years later, we are both working full time while homeschooling 4 boys (ages 4-13).

5 Tips to Make Homeschooling Work (Even When You Both Have to Work)

Homeschooling, even when there is a stay-at-home parent, can be a challenging balancing act! With careful planning and organization, it is possible even if both parents work. 

Here are some strategies to help you homeschool effectively when both parents have work or other time commitments.

#1 Establish a routine

Find a routine that can accommodate both your work hours and your child’s homeschooling needs. Identify blocks of time when you can dedicate attention to learning – such as early mornings, evenings, weekends, during lunch breaks, etc. As needed, you can divide the responsibilities between both parents.

Remember that homeschooling is not 8 hours of sitting down telling your child to read this and write that! Learning at home does not need to reflect that, regardless of whether you choose to use a curriculum or unschool. Some choose to utilize year-round schooling which, for the state requirements where we live, that means about 3.25 hours 5 days a week. 

For us, this means around 10am to 1pm the boys are working on learning something that interests them while writing, reading, or using math skills to “delve deeper” into it. I also love using car rides for good discussion times. We do year-round schooling so that we can be very flexible with our time. Some days may have a lot more time spent on schooling than other days, and that is ok too. If you need to track your hours, you can keep a handwritten calendar or create a digital one to use, like on Google.

#2 Find flexible learning programs

Look for flexible learning options that allow your child to work independently or with minimal supervision. Online curriculum, self-paced courses, educational apps, and interactive learning platforms can provide structured learning opportunities that your child can engage with while you’re at work. 

Determine the most critical subjects or areas of focus that your child may need more structure in. Take time to determine essential learning objectives (as a team with your child) and allocate time accordingly. This will help you manage your work and homeschooling responsibilities more effectively. 

Be flexible and open to adapt. Flexibility is key because you need to be open to adjusting your schedules, approaches, and strategies as needed. Regularly take a few minutes to assess how everything is working and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

Use discussions, books (both fun ones and educational ones), documentaries, targeted workbooks, music, physical education, sensory things, and any other tool you find that helps their learning style. Utilize the time after work to engage in hands-on activities, discussions, and quality one-on-one time with your child. This can be an opportunity to reinforce concepts, provide guidance, and engage in experiential learning. Is your child a left brain thinker or are they a right brain thinker? This question can help you see potential struggles as well as how to help them the most (and understand how to work better together).  

#3 Outsource as needed  

You may want to outsource certain subjects or activities to external resources or professionals. Try online classes such as from Outschool. There may also be local activity classes like: art, instruments, music, tutor programs, self defense, and bible studies. 

You can even hire a tutor or engage in cooperative learning groups with other homeschooling families. Delegate certain responsibilities to family members or trusted friends who may be available to assist during work hours. Sometimes, mothers who have graduated all their homeschool students will be willing to help out also!

#4  Find Support

Seek out other homeschooling families or support groups in your area. They can offer advice and resources, both local and virtual. This support may be morale, ridesharing, teaching, tutoring, or socializing. In all parts of life, finding a support network can be so helpful.

#5 Communicate with employers

Talk with your employer about your homeschooling commitments and explore possible flexible work schedules. Some employers may be open to adjusting schedules or allowing for remote work options that can better accommodate your needs.

Like with all homeschooling plans, remember to involve your child in the planning and decision-making process. Encourage their independence and responsibility towards their education. Teach them the importance of time management and self-discipline as well as encouraging a passion for learning.

Have you worked while homeschooling, or want to try it? Tell us your story!

About the author

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