Homemade Wipes Case

I currently have an obsession with sewing homemade things for baby.  Can’t blame me, right?  Only a handful of weeks until baby is due!

Anyway, I’ve sewn multiple diaper bags over the years.  I made one when my daughter was a baby that I liked, but it was small.  I made a much bigger one right before my second was born, but it was almost too big and no part of it was “stiff” enough to stand up so it was hard to use.  I made a medium-sized one with a built-in wet bag right before my fourth was born, but for some reason the fabric frayed after only a couple washings!

I learned what I liked and didn’t like, and sewed myself up a new diaper bag this time.  It’s not too big, not too small, has a stiff bottom, lots of pockets, and more.  It sort of follows this pattern, but I added extra cup holders along one of the long sides and I skipped the wet bag (but used regular fabric to create an internal pocket).

To go along with this diaper bag, I’m making a few different accessories:

The wipes case has one purpose: to keep my cloth wipes and optional spray bottle in one place.  (I usually like to just wet the wipes in a sink, so they’re warm — my toddler complains if they’re cold — but sometimes I’m not near a sink when a change is needed.  That’s where the spray bottle comes in handy.)  The pouch will match the diaper bag, and will zip closed.

It’s very easy to sew, and I’m going to make it match my diaper bag.  This one here:

diaper bag edit

Homemade Wipes Case

You will need:

  • 1/4 yd. heavy bottom-weight fabric (I’m using denim)
  • Matching thread
  • 2 snaps, OR 6″ of 1″-wide hook and loop


Step 1: Cut one rectangle that is 18″ x 9″.

fabric cut

Step 2: Fold the bottom part up about 7″.  The top “third” should be smaller than the bottom by 2″ or so.  Make sure this is with right sides together.

fabric folded

Step 3: Hem the edge of the bottom part (that forms the pouch and makes it look pretty), and sew both sides of the pouch closed.

hem pouch edge

sew pouch closed

Step 4: Hem around the edges of the top part (which forms the flap).

hem flap edges

Step 5: At this point, you could leave it as-is.  Or, you could sew on hook and loop (like Velcro) to close it.  I added two snaps to close it.

sewn edit

add snaps

finished pouch

That’s it!  Your wipes case is finished. 🙂  It should be about 6.5″ x 8.5″.  My wipes are around 8″ x 8″ so I’ll fold them in half to go in the bag.  This is super easy and comes together in less than 10 minutes — great even for beginners!

Make sure you’re looking for that first aid kit!  It’ll be similar to this, but a bit bigger and with some extra pockets to hold salves, bandages, essential oil rollers, and more.

Have you ever made a homemade wipes case?

About the author

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