Holiday Gift Giving and DIY Guide for the Naturally Minded

Holiday Gift Giving and DIY Guide for the Naturally Minded

Every year, we spend time and take great care trying to show our loved ones how special they are to us. And every year, it seems to become, well, more and more. More food. More decorations. More presents. More elves on the shelves. More time spent in the stores shopping. More stress. More…tinsel.


There is nothing wrong with doing some, or even all of those things, if that is what works for you. But remember that the “tinsel” isn’t rooted to the ground growing strong and spreading love, you are! You and your family are the strong tree that holds up all the beautiful ornaments and tinsel.

Would you prefer an easier, simpler holiday season with just as many family memories and good times with friends? Time is a precious gift, a limited commodity, and it can be packed and repacked in many ways. Maybe it’s in homemade gifts or treats and baked goods. It can show up in the form of a family trip together, or a unique and thoughtful gift purchased with someone’s time and contemplation.


It can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and shiny flashes of the holidays. Good intentioned as they may be, meal prepping, hunting, cooking, baking, whatever it is you do, on occasion we occasionally lose sight of what’s at the core of it all – family, friends, and love. Love is like our Christmas tree. It is rooted in the traditions we create. Adorned with the loved ones that gather around it, our presence is carefully placed at the foot.


Our mission in this guide is to make your holidays more peace, with less stress; more presence, less presents; more tree, less tinsel.


We put together a complete list of things to help you get through the holidays – from DIY gifts, unique presents to purchase, shopping tips, wrapping ideas, stress management remedies, and all sorts of simple, nutritious meals to cook, all with protecting your well-being (and pocketbook) in mind.


Click here to view our Holiday Gift Giving and DIY Guide for the Naturally Minded!

Table of Contents

  1. DIY Gift Ideas, 6 – 61
  2. Unique and Natural Minded Purchase Ideas, 62-81
  3. Stocking Stuffers, 82-87
  4. Holiday Shopping Tips: Online and Instore, 88-90
  5. Natural Gift Wrapping Options, 91-92
  6. Holiday Meals: 5 Recipes each for Main Dishes, Sides, Soups, Snacks, Desserts, and Breakfast, 93-99
  7. Keeping Stress Low During the Holidays: Remedies and Tips, 100-104
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