Four Fun and Frugal Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

By Faith Storms, Contributing Writer

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I have liked it since I was a little girl celebrating Agape Day at my Christian school and that delight in the 14th of February has only gotten stronger since then. In the world in which we live it can be easy to become jaded with Valentine’s Day, thumbing our noses at the Hallmark holiday that puts unrealistic expectations on men. However, I think that Valentine’s Day is a fun day to highlight the love in your home, whether you are married or single. And I definitely don’t think it needs to be costly!

  1. Heart shaped food.  This is reminiscent of my childhood. My mom would often make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast on Valentine’s Day. When I got older and the mornings were more harried, instead of heart shaped pancakes, we would have heart shaped pizza for dinner. Not into pancakes or pizza? How about heart shaped ice cubes?
  2. Picnic at home. Last year for our Valentine’s Day date my husband and I used a gift card to pick up food from our favorite restaurant. Our son was 9 months old and I was still not comfortable leaving him with anyone, so we brought our food home, spread a blanket out on the floor and enjoyed a leisurely picnic at home without paying for a babysitter or a tip at the restaurant, since we ordered to go. Make this idea even more frugal by making a picnic meal at home!
  3. Use your words. There is not need to spend money on a box of chocolates or even a bouquet of flowers for your sweetheart. In fact, I would rather not get those items and for this my husband is grateful! There are many deeper ways to express your love on Valentine’s Day. Try making a list of 14 things you love about your husband (or your wife, for the men out there!). If you have older children, get them involved by asking them what they love about their siblings. Share the lists at breakfast to start your day on an encouraging note!
  4. Take the Valentine’s ChallengeI will admit this is not my favorite idea since I enjoy celebrating on the actual holiday, but it certainly is frugal and could be lots of fun, especially if you and your husband (or kids!) enjoy a little friendly competition.

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Share your frugal ideas in the comments!


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2 thoughts on “Four Fun and Frugal Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day”

  1. If you want go be correct Kate, on Facebook (or anywhere) you should write “Here are” (plural) vs. “Here’s” (meaning “Here is” – singular). I know you fancy yourself a good writer; just wanted to let you know you have made this elementary mistake a couple of times. Grammarians won’t take your message seriously. Please don’t post this ! 🙂 For your eyes only!



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