DIY Pregnant Belly Body Butter

Pregnant women are notorious for having dry, stretched skin — as the baby grows, so does that wonderful belly! Nourish your skin with this DIY Pregnant Belly Body Butter.

If you pamper your belly, you’ll experience less itchiness, smoother skin, and maybe even fewer stretch marks!  This body butter is gorgeously whipped into a fluffy dream.  It melts as soon as you touch it and glides on easily.  It contains cocoa butter, which is known to help your skin stretch naturally and possibly even heal stretch marks.

The best part?  This is easy to make!  Really.  There are only a few ingredients and it doesn’t take much time.

For this body butter, I chose a blend I had on hand that contains bergamot, geranium, palmarosa, lavender, and more.  I also really like blending orange, neroli, and lavender.  You can choose the ones you prefer!

Pregnant Belly Body Butter


  • 2.5 oz. shea butter (1/4 c. + 2 tbsp.)
  • 2.5 oz. cocoa butter
  • 2.5 oz. apricot oil
  • 15 – 20 drops essential oils


Step 1: Put the first three ingredients in a small saucepan.

pregnant belly body butter ingredients

Step 2: Turn it on very low heat until fully melted.  Add essential oils of your choice.

pregnant belly body butter oils

Step 3: Transfer the melted oils to a small glass bowl.

oils melted in bowl

Step 4: Put this bowl in the fridge for about an hour, until the oils have solidified.

oils cooled

Step 5: You’ll need to let it sit out for about 5 minutes to melt a little.  Then, use a mixer or an immersion blender to blend it up until fluffy.  I think a mixer would be easier, but I don’t have a hand mixer (only a stand mixer, which is really big and wouldn’t work well on this small batch).  It will lighten in color and become fluffy, much like softened butter.

Now your body butter is done!  Put it into an 8 oz. glass jar and keep it someplace cool.  If it melts, then it will lose its beautifully whipped texture.

Have you used body butter during pregnancy?  Did it help?

About the author

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2 thoughts on “DIY Pregnant Belly Body Butter”

  1. My belly button is so itchy. And I used many lotion for pregnancy belly but still not effective. This Belly Body Butter helps me? I’m really very worried. Please help me.


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