DIY Essential Oil Rollers

essential oil rollers

Before we traveled this winter, I made some essential oil rollers to take with us.

While I enjoy using whole herbs mostly at home, I like the oil rollers for on-the-go because they’re compact and easy to carry, and they’re quite versatile.  I did use a few of them while we were out — thankfully, I didn’t need all of them.  One of these I carry in my purse all the time and pull out as-needed (which is at least once a week).  I’ll tell you which one that is in a minute.

I created several different blends (7, to be exact) for many different needs.  Some we rarely use; others we use often.  What you might use will depend on your family’s needs.

Essential Oil Rollers

I chose to use 1/3 oz. (10 mL) bottles for these.  I purchased this set of glass rollers on Amazon.  They’re very inexpensive at about $7.50 for 18 rollers.  I have several left in case I want to make more blends!  Or seconds of our favorites, so I can carry them in multiple places (I do have 2 of my favorite one, one which is in my purse and one that stays in my kitchen first aid kit).


This is an anti-anxiety blend that helps to induce calm, relaxed feelings and improve mood.  It is my favorite and the one I have two of and always carry with me.  I rub a small amount across my inner wrists so that I can smell it when I want to.

  • 8 mL carrier oil (I used apricot)
  • 8 drops orange essential oil
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops neroli essential oil

Upset Tummy

This blend is for children or adults, depending on how you do it.  It will help reduce nausea and sour stomachs.  It can be rubbed on wrists, temples, or across the tummy — whatever feels right to you.

  • 8 mL carrier oil
  • 10 drops Tummy All Better blend from Plant Therapy
  • 6 drops peppermint essential oil*
  • 6 drops spearmint essential oil*

*Better to leave these out if this is for children — for adults, I prefer this scent to the blend alone.

Sore Muscles

This is for adults, if you have any sort of sore muscles.  If you’ve exercised too much, twisted something, etc.  (You may obviously require more care than just this if you have an injury, but for minor soreness this is fine — and it can help with other stuff, too.)  This one should not be used for children.

  • 8 mL carrier oil
  • 15 drops Muscle-Aid by Plant Therapy (blend of camphor, wintergreen, and pine)


This one is best not used for children under 10.  I might…if I diluted it further and felt I really needed it (although I haven’t).  It helps clear breathing when you have a cold or other sinus issue.  Rub on feet for best effects, or simply breathe it in (wave roller under your nose).

  • 8 mL carrier oil
  • 8 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 8 drops rosemary essential oil


This one is safe for kids.  I use this as a general ward-off-the-yuckies when we are traveling!  I use the same blend in this one as my hand sanitizer spray.

  • 8 mL carrier oil
  • 10 drops Germ Destroyer from Plant Therapy (a blend of spruce, marjoram, rosalina, lavender, and lemon)

Immune Booster

This one is best used for older children or adults.  It’s a general immune booster.  I normally choose to use the anti-germ blend instead, but I do have this one if I feel like we need more, or something different.

  • 8 mL carrier oil
  • 15 drops Immune-Aid by Plant Therapy (a blend of Frankincense, sweet orange, tea tree, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus)


Sometimes, your energy’s just a bit low, right?  Busy morning, no coffee….  This can help boost you up more naturally.  This one is also for adults.

  • 8 mL carrier oil
  • 15 drops Energy by Plant Therapy (a blend of peppermint, rosemary, lemon, and eucalyptus)

These are my blends!  Listed basically in order of how often I use them.

To make them, fill the roller most of the way with carrier oil, then drop in the essential oils.  Top off if needed, then push the roller into place, shake, and put the cap on.  It’s ready to go!  These come together really quickly.  And they are very handy to have.

What are your favorite essential oil blends?

About the author

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0 thoughts on “DIY Essential Oil Rollers”

  1. Love making these kinds of things to take with me. Wish we could know what percentage of oils in the particular brand blends you used actually contained, since I’d prefer to purchase oils from another source.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these easy to use and follow recipes!!! I have been searching all over for easy recipes, and yours is the one! I just made the Breathe, Immune Booster and Energy. Thanks again for sharing! 🙂

  3. So fantastic to see a blogger who is advocating SAFE use of oils!!! It is quite refreshing!! Thank you for putting this out there.


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