Canning and Preserving

Fall Preservation Guide

Image by karenandbrademerson Why in the world would I write and publish a fall preservation guide in January?  We’re nowhere ...
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Recipe Collection: How to Make & Can Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce wasn't even my first project, but it was the one that weighed most heavily on my mind. While friends were gathering up strawberries and other earlier crops to make jellies and jams and all sorts of things, I was just waiting. My family won't eat jellies and jams so there was no reason to make any. But tomato sauce! We go through that like crazy! It was one of the biggest things I've planned to can and no, I am STILL not done! But I actually did this one in a few different stages so I "perfected" my technique a bit. I'll share with you the way that I did it, and explain why some of the other ways are not my preferred way. Here we prepared to get messy!
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