DIY: Chocolate Rose Body Butter

By Sarena-Rae Santos, Natural Health Blogger

Whether you’re looking for the perfect body butter recipe for Valentine’s Day or you’re looking to treat your skin to dessert, this is precisely where you want to be. 

This Chocolate Rose Body Butter recipe, formulated by The Modern Alternative Mama herself, is perfection made in your kitchen. Although it looks absolutely delicious, we don’t recommend eating it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s safe for ages 2+, including those who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

Aside from being luxurious on this skin, this body butter recipe is brimming with health benefits that will have your skin glowing after receiving the hydration and nutrition it craves. 

Benefits of the Ingredients

This body butter combines three ingredients, all of which play a role in overall skin health.

Cocoa butter is used for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, which are crucial for maintaining skin health (1). 

Apricot oil is used for its therapeutic benefits, like anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the skin and promoting wound healing (2).

Rose essential oil is used for its ability to soothe skin irritation and its anti-aging properties. 

Feel free to customize this recipe by swapping out the rose essential oil for one that is safe for younger ages or a better fit for your skin concerns. 

Other Essential Oils You Can Use

Blue Tansy is one of our precious oils. Blue Tansy possesses a complex, herbaceous aroma with sweet, apple-like undertones. This essential oil is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it the perfect go-to when those pesky allergy seasons roll through. On top of its respiratory benefits, use this to help soothe troubled or irritated skin. Emotionally, Blue Tansy supports high self-esteem and boosts confidence.

Lavender is perhaps the most well-known of the essential oils, and for a good reason. Lavender essential oil is renowned for its many beneficial properties, including promoting calm and relaxation and being a nervous tension reliever. It can also be added to a carrier oil to help reduce the appearance of scars and wrinkles and help soothe alterations in skin integrity, such as during sun exposure or a minor cooking burn.

Neroli is the perfect essential oil for when you need a break from the world. It is one of the most comforting and effective essential oils when dealing with grief, nervous tension, or exhaustion. Neroli is often used in skincare preparations to promote a healthy complexion. Adding Neroli to a lotion or carrier oil can help reduce the appearance of scarring, wrinkles, and blemishes, all while minimizing the look of pores and supporting new cell growth.

Another option is essential oil blends. My top two favorite essential oil blends both come from Earthley – Blue Bliss and Skin and Scalp.

Blue Bliss Essential Oil Blend is their limited edition essential oil blend combining blue tansy, sandalwood, and lavender to create the perfect summer scent. Blue Bliss promotes relaxation, better sleep, calm mood, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory properties. I find it to be the perfect addition to my skincare routine.

Skin and Scalp Essential Oil Blend is designed to encourage soothing and healing. We combined the citrusy notes of geranium and neroli with the richness of sandalwood to create this therapeutic essential oil blend. Use topically to repair dry or damaged skin, soothe a dry scalp, and reduce redness. This blend is calming and relaxing.

Chocolate Rose Body Butter



Step 1: Add the cocoa butter and apricot oil to a glass bowl or mason jar.

Step 2: Get a pot and fill it halfway with water before placing your bowl or mason jar into the water.

Step 3: Heat the water on high until the water boils.

Step 4: When the water begins to boil, decrease the heat to medium-low until the cocoa butter melts.

Step 5: After the butters/oil are melted together, add the rose essential oil and stir well.

Step 6: After you’ve added the rose essential oil, remove it from the heat and place it in the refrigerator until solid.

Step 7: Once the body butter has become solid, whip it with a mixer until it becomes a fluffy and creamy consistency.

Step 8: Transfer the whipped body butter to a more permanent container and use it as desired.

So whether you watched how to make this recipe before Valentine’s Day or after, this is a recipe you’ll pass on to your grandchildren. Between incredible health benefits and a smell you can’t resist, this is a body butter you cannot deny yourself.

If you could give this delicious treat to a special someone, who would it be and why? Or are you like me and keeping it for yourself?

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