Traditional Food Freezer Cooking

I don’t do freezer cooking because…I don’t like to eat from the freezer.

When I wasn’t pregnant, I actually liked cooking dinner every night.  Pregnant, I tolerate it.  (I’m so looking forward to going back to liking it!)

“Normal” freezer cooking consists of preparing foods either completely or partially and then freezing them as meals.  That is, you might prepare soups and freeze them.  Or, you might make meatloaves and freeze those uncooked (that’s one meal I’d actually eat, since it would still be “fresh”).

It works just fine and many people love it — pulling a basically ready-to-eat meal out of the freezer when they don’t have time to cook.

Me?  I’d honestly sooner run to the store, buy fresh ingredients, and spend two hours cooking dinner while exhausted than eat what’s in my freezer, most of the time.  Ridiculous?  My husband says yes.  I’m okay with that. 

However, I’ve come up with a way to make freezer cooking work for me….

My Freezer Cooking Plan

I don’t prepare meals. I prepare ingredients.  That’s what takes the time, right, when you’re doing traditional cooking?  So that’s what I do.  Then, any meal I want to make can be thrown together quickly, but is still fresh!

Here are some ideas on what to prepare in advance, for both freezer and pantry:

With these sorts of things on hand, foods can be prepared quickly!  I could throw together a pot of chili in 30 minutes when I’ve got the stock and properly cooked beans already prepared.  Just about any meal could come together in 30 minutes or less if I have the ingredients I need ready.  Which is huge for me — I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to cook dinner and thought, “Darn, I didn’t soak the beans…have to change the plan.”

Maybe this is just because I grew up eating SAD (Standard American Diet) and I used to open cans and boxes to make dinner.  But really…who couldn’t use a little extra convenience?  It doesn’t take anymore time to soak and cook 4x as many beans and freeze as it does to make enough for one meal.  It was frustrating to look at all the ingredients in my house…and know that without preparation they really weren’t an option for that day’s meals!

Do you do any form of freezer cooking?  Does or would this modified version work for you?

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2 thoughts on “Traditional Food Freezer Cooking”

  1. I mostly prepare ingredients–many of the same ones you listed. However, ever since my third baby was born last year (my kids are 3.5, 2.5, and 1), I've found that having a 3-4 completely prepared meals in the freezer is extremely helpful for me. If I make something that freezes well, like chili, spaghetti bolognese sauce, vegetable curry, etc. I'll double the recipe and freeze half. I maybe only use one of those pre-made meals every two weeks or so, but when a day is TRULY crazy and I'm unable to cook, or I planned to get to the grocery store, but my day was just not going well, I can pull something out of the freezer and still have a healthy dinner. I never did that with two kids, but three kids was the tipping point for me, apparently!

    That being said, we just moved long distance, so my normal freezer supply of bread dough, beans, stocks, etc. is down to pretty much nothing, and I really need to rebuild it. Unfortunately though, I'm EXTRA busy with moving related things, my husband starting a new job and having really long hours, and my daughter potty training right now, so I don't have time to prepare ingredients even, and I'm feeling the effects of it! I may just stay up extra late for a couple of nights later this week and try to get a bunch done.

  2. Chopped onions peppers, shredded zucchini bagged in portions make things really quick too! Hamburger patties pressed super thin and frozen on a tray then put in baggies can be cooked in different quantities. Sometimes I make just enough for dinner sometimes enough to have evening snacks for my husband or leftovers to make hamburger stew. Season the meat right before cooking. If you aren't grain free muffins freeze really well and make great snacks and quick add ons to eggs for breakfast. I also freeze pancakes same way I do hamburgers. Good luck!


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