Recipe Collection: Onion Powder

Written by Kate Tietje and updated by Sarena-Rae Santos in November of 2023. 

Whether you’re making seasoning mixes like customizable ranch or taco seasoning or a full-blown meal like chicken broccoli pasta alfredo, why not make your own onion powder? I use onion powder all the time — it’s super easy to use, creates delicious flavor, and has a single ingredient: onions. Often, I buy it (organic bulk is the cheapest/best), but now and then, I get the desire to make it! It doesn’t take long, and if organic onions are on sale — why not?

Want to take it a step further? Feel free to grow your own onions. If you buy an onion from the store that tastes phenomenal, you can plant the end of the onion pointy side up and place it 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in soil. If you don’t have room outdoors, you could even grow onions indoors in containers; just ensure the onions are in an open and sunny area with fertile soil and good drainage. Looking for more money-saving tips? Check out Earthley’s Guide, Simplify Natural Living. Now, let’s get to the part you’ve been waiting for how to make homemade onion powder.

Onion Powder


  • 1 or more large yellow onions


Step 1: Slice up the onion and remove the peel.

Step 2: Place the onion on baking sheets or dehydrator trays.

Step 3: Turn the oven or dehydrator to about 150-170ºF (or as low as the oven goes).   Dry for 5-6 hours or until completely firm with no mushiness/wetness at all.

Step 4: Grind the dried onions in a small coffee or spice grinder. Store in a small glass jar.

This is so simple!! You have made onion powder!

Onion Powder


  • 1 or more large yellow onions


  • Slice up the onion and remove the peel.
  • Place the onion on baking sheets or dehydrator trays.
  • Turn the oven or dehydrator to about 150-170ºF (or as low as the oven goes).   Dry for 5-6 hours or until completely firm with no mushiness/wetness at all.
  • Grind the dried onions in a small coffee or spice grinder. Store in a small glass jar.

Have you ever made your own onion powder?

About the author

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4 thoughts on “Recipe Collection: Onion Powder”

  1. I was wondering about trying this with garlic, do you know if that would work? I've never used onion powder, but I do like garlic powder occasionally. I keep wanting to ferment garlic so I have it on hand easy to use. Some nights when I'm just cooking FAST I don't wan to take the time to peel garlic. Fermented garlic is at least already peeled, although I'm sure the taste changes a bit and if you heat it too high it'd kill the good bacteria you introduced by fermenting… but at least it'd be a good storage method! Okay… that's my rambling. I'll definitely try the onion, because I do use it on occasion! How wide did you slice it to dehydrate? Really thin with a mandolin or more like 1/2 inch??

  2. ok, this sounds intriguing..does it totally make your house smell like onion for awhile though? and did you find the smell hard to get out of the dehydrator? i just dont want onion flavored fruit when i try to deydrate something else:)


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