Healthy Pregnancy Series: The Rhogam Shot

Psst…head over to Keeper of the Home to read an interview I did about Real Food Basics!

This is a topic I was asked to discuss when I did my reader survey recently.    And it’s an important one.  Some women will be told that they need to have a Rhogam shot during their pregnancies.  Women need to understand what it’s for, the risks and benefits, and other issues associated with this shot.

First of all, the Rhogam shot is for women who have RH negative blood.  That is, for example, you have “O negative” blood type.  Being RH negative simply means that you don’t have this factor in your blood, while those who are RH positive do.

Getting RH positive blood mixed in a person who is RH negative can cause serious repercussions in pregnancy.  Blood mixing can potentially occur during pregnancy if a woman is carrying an RH positive baby and some type of trauma occurs.  The Rhogam shot was created to protect against this mixing and the subsequent illness that would occur.

But is it necessary?  Is it safe?

First of all, there is one situation in which a provider may recommend a Rhogam shot to you, but in which you should always say no.  If you are Rh negative, and your partner is also Rh negative — you do not need a Rhogam shot!!  There is absolutely zero chance of your baby being positive if both parents are negative because it’s a recessive trait.  Your doctor may still tell you to take the shot (just in case, you know, you’re lying about who the father is; or maybe they don’t understand how this works), but just say no.  There is absolutely no risk to you in this situation.

But what about in other situations, such as when the mother is Rh negative, and the father is Rh positive?

Doctors would have you believe that you must get a Rhogam shot in this case, because otherwise you are in danger.  This isn’t quite true.  Up until a few years ago, Rhogam wasn’t always given to women pregnant with their first babies (unless trauma occurred) because if blood mixing occurred, it typically happened at birth.  The woman then produced antibodies against Rh postive blood, but since the baby was already born, it was safe.  A Rhogam shot was then recommended in subsequent pregnancies, so that the woman’s body wouldn’t reject the baby if it had Rh positive blood.

In a normal pregnancy, though, mother’s and baby’s blood does not mix.  The only danger is if this happens, and under normal circumstances, it will not.  Pregnancy is designed so that blood just doesn’t mix.  However, if the mother sustains abdominal trauma or birth trauma then it can happen.

rhogam shot

Situations that may cause mom’s and baby’s blood to mix:

  • Previous abortions/late miscarriages (after 8 weeks)
  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)
  • Trauma to abdomen (car accidents, falls, etc.)
  • Forceps
  • Vacuum extraction
  • C-sections
  • Pulling on the cord/placenta after birth, or manual removal of placenta
  • Cutting the cord before delivery of the placenta (dangerous to the baby anyway)

The vast majority of these are caused by generally unnecessary birth interventions.  To avoid problems, you need to avoid unnecessary tests during pregnancy, and unnecessary interventions during birth.

You may find that a birth center or homebirth are better options for you.  This is especially interesting because issues with blood type incompatibility were extremely rare before the 1900s, when we didn’t intervene with birth very often.  Suddenly, when we “medicalized” the birth procedure, this became a problem.

In one study, only about 14% of women who were not given a Rhogam shot ended up “needing it” later (there are no details given on why they needed it).  86% did not require it at all.  It is possible to do a titer check to see a woman has become sensitized to assess if she needs Rhogam.

The truth and bottom line?  Most women do not need Rhogam.  First-time mothers do not need it.  A dose at 28 weeks is unnecessary unless a test shows sensitization has already occurred.  And if birth is trauma-free and/or if baby is type Rh negative (even the manufacturers of Rhogam agree none is needed if baby is typed Rh negative!), none is needed.  If, however, trauma does occur, sensitization is known to have occurred, and/or baby is typed Rh positive, it would be wise to consider this.  Please ask your doctor to share all known side effects and risks (which, by the way, are greater if given during pregnancy than immediately after) before making a choice.


Prenatal Rhogam Shot (Unhindered Living)

Midwifery Today

Natural Childbirth

Rhogam Website

What do you think about Rhogam?  Are you at risk?  Did you/would you receive it?


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26 thoughts on “Healthy Pregnancy Series: The Rhogam Shot”

  1. I have really appreciated this series. We are hoping to begin our family soon, and it has been nice to read about all the different options associated with pregnancy and child birth, especially the more natural, less mainstream ideas.

    A few years ago I learned about the RH incompatibility thing and started reading up on it (we have this problem, so I was pretty freaked out by it). From everything I've read, the purpose of the Rhogam shot is to prevent your blood from becoming sensitized. It is ineffective if your blood is already sensitized.

    Even your link to the Rhogam website explains that it needs to be given before sensitization occurs. If you know it's your last pregnancy, that's when you wouldn't need to worry about it. But if you're planning to have more than one child, it should definitely be considered.

    I recently had an early miscarriage, and perhaps I didn't really need the shot, but the doctor recommended it, so I went for it. I want to make sure my body doesn't attack my next baby. After your post I will definitely do more research about the pros and cons of having it at 28 weeks. The doctor said they would test the baby's blood once it is born, and if it has RH positive blood, I would have the shot then for sure.

  2. i'm liking this healthy pregnancy series! and interesting timing on this post, because i was just reading about how consuming the placenta after delivery may help prevent the mother from forming the antibodies to her baby's antigens, since the placenta contains an abundance of estrogen & progesterone which can "suppress the immunological processes involved in tissue rejection". this was mentioned in a study on placentophagia, but i'm not sure how much more it has been researched. i'm currently studying to become a placenta encapsulation specialist and i'm learning all kinds of interesting stuff!

  3. Very interesting! This is the situation I would be in if we have children. This is also the situation my mom was in! So it's neat to read this perspective because I just assumed I would have to have that shot…but now I see that there's more to it than that! Thanks!

  4. I am O- and my husband is a positive blood type. Before both of my girls were born, I researched legitimate sites about the risks and dangers of taking the Rhogam shot vs not taking it and concluded that it was worth taking. There is only a very very very slight potential risk from taking the shot and a much greater potential danger to my baby and future babies if I didn't take it. There is a MUCH greater chance that I will be in an accident while pregnant or have unforeseen complications than that any harm will be done by the shot.

    I also want to caution women that if you choose not to get the shot and something does happen that causes the mother to build up antibodies to rh+ babies, the shot will not help after the mother has been sensitized. If the mother does not miscarry future babies, they will almost always require a blood transfusion after birth.

    Your comment that these sensitivities did not not happen before 'modern' medicine is also inaccurate. Traumatic births were common (hence the reason for high mother and infant mortality rates during that time) and many women suffered from rh incompatibility. They just did not have a name for it then.

  5. As another rH- mother, I did decline the RhoGham shot. The point to note is that this was my first pregnancy, and I would have had no way to be previously sensitized. As the shot is made from blood products, I was not willing to risk my baby's health on the possibility that he *might* have been rH positive. Second point to note is that the shot is considered to be "effective" for 12 weeks, which is why it is typically given at 28 weeks. As I carried to 42 weeks, it would have been useless all the same, and made me complacent when my son was born via section. When my son was born, we had his blood tested. As he came back rH+, I accepted the RhoGham shot in the hours following his birth. Had I had the shot prior, I would not have thought to have it again, nor would the hospital have thought to give it to me. This would have further compromised any future rH+ children.

    The shot was absolutely not for me. However, I wouldn't hold an informed decision against anyone. That's the point, isn't it? To have all the information available to us, and then make the best decision we each can based on the facts and our comfort levels?

    Much appreciated article, thank you.

  6. Thank you for this article. I am rH-, as is the father of my fetus, and met resistance from my nurse midwife when I suggested there would be no need for this shot. She went as far as stating that "sometimes the father changes." I will now be sticking to my guns on this one. Thanks again!!

  7. I am rh-negative and my husband is rh-positive and though I am on my seventh pregnancy I have only had rho-gam twice! Once was with a miscarriage at 12 weeks and the other was with my only positive type baby so far and after she was born. We always decline the 28 week shot and I have never had any trauma or bleeding problems during pregnancy. It is true as someone else mentioned that the rho-gam shot will not do anything for you if your body has become sensitized already and if that happens your body will attack any positive type babies that you have in the future.

  8. I would like to know if I’m 6 week pregnant and I’m O NAGATIVE blood type if I do an abortion should I have the rhogam shot?

    Please I need help!!

  9. I have had 8 shots and I am very upset because I just found out there’s other peoples blood in these shots and that against my religion to have human or animal blood. Also no one ever checked my husbands blood and when we asked his doc at kaiser they said they were not allowed to tell us ! That’s illegal right? I am trying to not get the shot and my doc told me that kaiser will fine me if I try and have my baby at home! And that they have no controll over the delivery and can’t promise to let me have an all natural birth and to let the placenta come out by it self! I feel like the system is against me and trying to break me down! It’s making me want to leave kaiser

    • Hi Porschr,

      They can’t fine you for having your baby at home, at least not in any area I’m aware. And they also can’t force you to do anything in the hospital against your will — you simply say “I don’t consent” and unless it’s an emergency they have to follow that. They may still bully you (unfortunately, since they’re already doing that), but they legally cannot MAKE you do anything. What area are you in? If you are outside the U.S. I am not sure of the laws.

      If you feel you have few options, I’d look for a midwife quietly and then, when it comes to have the baby, just don’t show up at the hospital. Have the midwife there. If they were to actually try to fine you (which I have NEVER heard of), just don’t pay it. If you can leave Kaiser for something else…do it.

      And yes, it’s illegal for them not to tell your husband what his blood type is. They may not be able to tell *you* because of HIPPA laws, but he certainly has the right to know! I’d be looking for a new doctor, with all this nonsense going on….

  10. Kate – thank you so much for this article. I recently found out my blood type is RH- and my husband’s blood type is RH+. I am not a fan of vaccinations so I was a bit distributed to hear that I would potentially need to take Rhogam. I had a miscarriage in November which required a D&C at that time I did not know my blood type was RH- so I didn’t have any knowledge of the need to take or not Rhogam. Fortunately I had a blood test recently which showed no antibodies in my blood.

  11. I have had it 8 times and I feel weaker every time I get it, I am not taking it this time an want a home birth but kaiser is giving me a very hard time an most the docs won’t waste their time on me an referr me to another.
    I find it outrageous that they won’t take the time to listen to me and have completely ignored everything about my pregnancy. I’m in my third trimester and all that’s come up is rhogam, I think they think I’m crazy because I get to go see a counselor next week.

  12. I’m A- and my husband is O+, so I was “at risk.” I had twin baby girls 19 months ago and they were both A+ They tested my blood right after the birth and said I had antibodies and only had 72 hours to get the Rhogam shot. I had been reading up on childrens vaccinations and we had decided not to vaccinate for many reasons, so when the Rhogam shot came up I refused it. I was lectured by the nurse, the doctor and they acted as if they wouldn’t let us leave the hospital. When I got home I did more research on it and once I found out it had human blood in it I was SO glad I had refused it. Anyhow… I got pregnant again when the twins were 12 months old and the Rhogam shot came up again. We had moved and I had a new midwife. She has been awesome! She explained why we should get the shot and had us sign a waiver, but treated us as thinking adults instead of children:) We now state religious and moral reasons for refusing the shot. I had to get my blood tested early on with this pregnancy, at 26 weeks and I’ll have to get it tested again. The results… My blood does not have antibodies in it! From what I’ve read it’s impossible, but it’s true. The results from after the girls birth shows my blood as testing positive for antibodies and 15 months later it tested negative for antibodies. I didn’t eat my placenta or really do anything other than eat a healthy traditional nourishing diet(lots of raw milk), and we prayed a lot.

    That’s my two cents. I would encourage women to research and dig deep with regards to every aspect of your pregnancy. Many shots and tests have become a habit for the medical world and we need to constantly be questioning and finding out the truth for ourselves.

    • Hi Brittany,
      I was encouraged to read your post. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and have refused the Rhogam shot. I am considering having the shot after he is born (if he is indeed RH+) but still don’t feel great about it.
      If I may ask, now that it has been some time since your post, how did the pregnancy and birth progress? Did you still not have antibodies and did it still not effect your child?
      Thank you for sharing your experience. I will keep an eye out for a response as I would love some more insight before I give birth any day now.
      All the best!

  13. I have a blog where I discuss similiar things, and was looking to update my RhoGam info, and came across your site. While I am generally supportive of what you are doing here (it is good to question the relevance and risks of medical treatments!), some of the information you are giving is just blatantly inaccurate.

    First off, RhoGam is USELESS once someone is sensitized. So checking titers first is a good thing to do before getting the shot, but you have the action backward: If you are sensitized, you should NOT get the shot. If you are not sensitized, that is when to consider getting it.

    Also, as a licensed health care provider (midwife), I always check the baby’s cord blood for the blood type, and I have had numerous occasions where both parents are negative and the baby is positive. Sometimes it is cheating, sometimes it is that the father was wrong about his blood type, sometimes there was lab error and the lab was wrong about the father’s blood type, and sometimes I don’t know why, but it just is. So even if both parents are negative, the baby’s cord blood should still be tested for the baby’s blood type.

  14. Hello, I am an RH sensitized mother of 2 children. When I was pregnant with my first child, I was advised by my midwife to not get the shot at 28 weeks, but wait until after her birth to get the shot. I did my own research and based on the fact that it is very rare to become sensitized during the first pregnancy unless there is trauma AND my fears that the shot might be related to autism and other disorders, I refused the 28 week rhogam shot. At 39 weeks my blood was check and found to be positive for antibodies. I never had any trauma or bleeding. I was induced the next day and my baby was born blue and had to be resuscitated. She spent 4 days in NICU under biliruben lights. She is now a healthy almost 4 year old with no signs of autism or any other disorders. 15 months after my first birth, I was induced with my second child at 37 weeks, after a very closely watched pregnancy full of ultrasounds and blood tests. After he was born, he had a blood transfusion at 24 hours old and spent 5 days in NICU under biliruben lights. He is now a healthy 2.5 year old with no signs of autism or other disorders. I just wanted to share my story so that other moms in my situation will know that there are risks when you don’t get the shot. I do have a fear of having anymore children because of the damage the antibodies do.

  15. What if d woman is negative n d hubby is positive n deir was trauma during her two pregnancies n she dint have shot of rhogam,what will happen to the subsequent pregnancies,will she alwys end up miscarring them?

  16. If this is your first pregnancy, you won’t need it, however if you’ve been pregnant before you sound definitely consider having the shot. If your baby is RH+, your body will build up a sensitivity to the antibodies in the RH+ blood, which could, abd most likely wouldmake it impossible for you to carry full term in the future. I am RH-, I’ve had 3 miscarriages, and 1 abortion, plus 2 live births (my 1st, and my 6). I’ve received the Rhogam shot “AFTER” each one, but NEVER during, so unless you have a trauma, or your body mixes with baby for some unforseen reason, i don’t see the point in doing it while pregnant, but after a miscarriage, or abortion, you should probably have the shot. You can have the fetus tested first to make sure you need it, because if the baby is RH-, you won’t need it at all. Currently I’m 38.4 wks pregnant with my 3rd baby (7th pregnancy), and I have not received the shot yet. I’m waiting till after I deliver, because I read that the shot is loaded with mercury, which I do not want to be i my babies blood at al, as I am also, NOT getting my baby immunized.

  17. Just wanted to thank you for posting this.
    With my first pregnancy six years ago, i refused the shot. The nurses literally yelled at me and told me I was killing my child. Something I personally don’t think any pregnant woman needs to hear lol.
    My son was PERFECTLY healthy, two weeks late, 9lb… no problems with delivery.
    Now I’m pregnant again. Well refuse shot again. This time I have a midwife that’ll hopefully support me lol.
    But yeah thank you for this article. 🙂

  18. This are very old posts, but still, i want to put a question….maybe someone will answer…. i am B-, i had the rhogam shot after first pragnancy, it is necessary to have it during the second? The doc is telling me that i should do it..but….why i got it first time? Why is necessary?

  19. Do some Genetics101 before you spread inaccurate information and cause mothers to weep!!!

    For three centuries of RH-negative blood – our babies(my family) do/ and have died, and the ones who live are still blue-eyed! So much for recessive genes! Please put some legitimate sources on your page and think before you blurt out nonsense!


    Is it possible for 2 Rh negative parents to produce a Rh positive child?

    I am pregnant with my second child. My blood type is O-. My husband and daughter both have A-. At my last OB appointment I was told that at my next visit I would have an antibody screen and most likely need a Rhogam shot. I know this is administered as a precaution in case the baby is Rh+. However, I understood this to be impossible since both my husband and I are Rh-. When I questioned the nurse, I was quite surprised when she told me that it IS possible to have an Rh+ child because of recessive Rh+ genes. Is this true? All the information I have found so far leads me to believe this is impossible. (And yes, I am 100% certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that my husband is the father of my child).

    -A curious adult from Indiana

    The answer to this really important question is yes. And the answer is for a much simpler reason than the blue-eyed parents having a child with green eyes that we discuss in our answer at /ask/ask101.

    The reason is that people who test negative for Rh aren’t always Rh-. The test isn’t always sensitive enough to get the right answer (although it usually does). And it only tests for one of the two Rh genes. And it doesn’t test for any of the other genes that can cause similar problems.

    To understand how the test could go wrong, we first need to dig a bit deeper into Rh biology and our immune system.

    Rh status is usually explained as this simple, one gene trait. Even we have fallen into this trap in our answer at /ask/ask71.

    But there are two Rh genes, RhD and RhCE. There are also other genes with names like Kell, Duffy and Kidd that can cause similar problems.

    Problems can happen when mom has one version of one of these genes and her baby has a different one. The reason this can cause a problem is that mom can make antibodies against a baby’s proteins. The antibodies can cause serious health problems by destroying the baby’s red blood cells.

    How did we get from genes to proteins to red blood cells? Remember, genes are really just recipes for proteins. For example, the RhD gene makes the RhD protein. The Rh proteins are found in red blood cells.

    Sometimes a baby’s blood can get into mom’s bloodstream. When that happens, mom makes antibodies against any proteins on the outside of the baby’s blood cells that are different from hers. (Part of the Rh proteins sit on the outside of the red blood cell.)

    We usually think of antibodies as protecting us against bacteria or viruses. The way they do this is they recognize any different protein on the outside of these invaders and destroy them.

    In the case of an Rh+ baby and an Rh- mom, the system turns against us. Mom’s immune system thinks that the baby’s red blood cells are invaders and destroys them.

    The way things usually work is that the first Rh+ baby is ok. Mom makes antibodies but too late in the pregnancy to have serious problems. But then comes the second Rh+ baby.

    And the second baby can be in trouble. This is because once an antibody has been made to a different protein, that antibody stays around for a long time. That is why, for example, once we’ve had the chickenpox, we can’t get it again.

    What that means for our case is that antibodies against Rh+ red blood cells are still around for the second Rh+ baby. Now these antibodies attack the second baby’s red blood cells causing all of the problems you’ve heard about.

    OK, now back to your question. So how could the test being used get dad’s Rh status wrong? Whoa, why dad? For there to be a problem, a mother needs to be Rh- and a baby Rh+. If mom is Rh-, an Rh+ baby almost always got that way from dad.

    One obvious way for the test to get dad’s Rh status wrong is if it misses the presence of the RhD protein. Besides human error, there are a couple of versions of the RhD gene that can sneak by the test.

    The first is called weak D. Weak D makes only a small amount of RhD protein. The test can’t see the small amount of protein but mom can sometimes make antibodies to it.

    Another version is called partial D. With partial D, lots of RhD protein gets made. But the protein made is a little different so antibodies don’t recognize it as well. Since the test uses antibodies to look for the RhD protein, it misses the partial RhD protein.

    There are follow-up tests that can be done for these two genes, but they aren’t always done. These versions of the RhD gene are pretty rare and don’t cause problems very often.

    But, you might be asking, what about the other Rh gene, RhCE or all of those other genes? Why don’t they test for the other Rh proteins?

    Because the other proteins don’t cause problems as often. The major reason the D protein causes most Rh-related problems is that it is more immunogenic than the proteins the RhCE gene codes for.

    What this means is that our bodies raise antibodies to RhD much more readily than it does to the other Rh or Rh-like proteins. So it is much more rare for these proteins to cause a problem.

    But these other proteins do sometimes cause problems. And they are causing a bigger percentage of problems now that RhD is being tested for routinely.

    Well, that was a lot. Rh status is a lot more complicated than most people think. All these subtleties aren’t usually important. But sometimes they can be…

  20. I am a certified nurse midwife that has working in homebirth for 7 years. I work in a population the has a high number of Rh- people. I am also Rh-. I am very supportive of women and families making educated decisions regarding their care, as long as the information they are basing the decisions off of is accurate. There is so much misinformation in the post it is heart breaking

    Rhogam in not a vaccine. Vaccines trigger your bodies to make antibodies. Rhogam is more like an anti-vaccine. It PREVENTS your body from making antibodies.

    ” A Rhogam shot was then recommended in subsequent pregnancies, so that the woman’s body wouldn’t reject the baby if it had Rh positive blood.”
    not true.
    Rhogam is given around 28 weeks, long past the point of “rejecting the baby.” Rhogam is given at least should be given after the birth of the first baby, because that is when the antibodies will be formed that will cause problems with the second baby. In subsequent pregnancies, it is given at 28 weeks to jump start the prevention of antibodies.

    “Pregnancy is designed so that blood just doesn’t mix.”
    mostly true.
    It is rare but it can happen with out known cause. I have had clients become sensitized between 12 and 28 weeks of pregnancy will out having any known cause.

    “issues with blood type incompatibility were extremely rare before the 1900s, when we didn’t intervene with birth very often’
    Blood type incompatibility has always existed. Just because it was not understood, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. These affected pregnancies ended in miscarriage, still birth, or newborn death. This is one of the reasons that some women has few surviving children.

    “It is possible to do a titer check to see a woman has become sensitized to assess if she needs Rhogam.”
    There is a titer or antibody screen. It is used to detect Rh sensitization. If you are sensitized you SHOULD NOT get Rhogam. However, YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SENSITIZED! that mean you have the antibodies that will destroy your baby’s red blood cells. You want the titer/antibody screen to be negative, which means you SHOULD get Rhogam to protect against sensitization.

    “Most women do not need Rhogam. First time mothers do not need it. A dose at 28 weeks is unnecessary unless a test shows sensitization has already occurred.”
    More misinformation!
    First time mothers and in all pregnancies should get Rhogam to protect against sensitization. You get Rhogam in the first pregnancy to prevent your body from making antibodies that will affect your second baby, and in subsequent pregnancy for the same reason. Sensitization can happen at anytime in pregnancy.
    If you are sensitized you SHOULD NOT get Rhogam. However, YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SENSITIZED! that mean you have the antibodies that will destroy your baby’s red blood cells.

    “If, however, trauma does occur, sensitization is known to have occurred, and/or baby is typed Rh positive, it would be wise to consider this.”
    Again, misinformation!
    Rhogam is give to PROTECT AGAINST sensitization. You get Rhogam to PREVENT your body from making antibodies that will affect your next baby. Sensitization can happen at anytime in pregnancy. Even at simple perineal tear or baby kicking the placenta during normal activity can lead to crossing of maternal and fetal/newborn blood.
    If you are sensitized you SHOULD NOT get Rhogam. However, YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SENSITIZED! that mean you have the antibodies that will destroy your baby’s red blood cells.

    “baby is type Rh negative (even the manufacturers of Rhogam agree none is needed if baby is typed Rh negative!), none is needed.” TRUE!

    if you have ever talked to grandmother that were sensitized before Rhogam and listen to their stodies of repeated pregnancy and infant loss….:(

    This is the information I give my clients:

    When you are Rh-negative, your baby may be Rh-negative or Rh-positive. If your baby has Rh-positive blood and it mixes with yours, your body will make antibodies. This is called Rh sensitization. When sensitization happens, the antibodies that will try to destroy the Rh positive blood cells.

    Most of the time, this is not a problem in a first pregnancy. But in future pregnancies, it could cause Rh disease.
    A newborn with Rh disease has mild anemia and may have jaundice. In severe cases, fetal hydrops, anemia, jaundice, and swelling can be very dangerous or fatal. Some babies need to be delivered early. Some need special care in the NICU. A very sick baby will need a blood transfusion before or after birth.
    Rhogam injection PREVENTS your body from making the antibodies. You get the shot around 28 weeks of pregnancy. After the birth, your baby’s blood is tested. If the blood is Rh positive, you will get another shot. You may also get the shot if you have vaginal bleeding while you are pregnant or if you have a miscarriage. These shots protect future pregnancies.

    Women with Rh negative blood should receive Rhogam each time they get pregnant, including the first pregnancy (this prevents sensitization at birth of the first baby, to protect future pregnancy).
    You may need more than one shot. You may need the shot again:
    • After amniocentesis, fetal blood sampling, or chorionic villus sampling tests.
    • If you have bleeding in your second or third trimester.
    • After turning of a breech baby.
    • After an injury to the belly while you are pregnant.
    • After a miscarriage or an abortion.
    • Before or right after treatment for an ectopic or a partial molar pregnancy

    If you are test positive for Rh factor antibodies or you are told you are sensitized, YOU SHOULD NOT GET RHOGAM. It will do nothing. And your baby should be monitored closely for Rh disease, both in utero and after birth.

  21. Do not have the Rhogam shot unless you want to live in hell the rest of your life. As a senior citizen who had two of those vile injections, I have lived with MCS all my life unable to find out why I am so sick. It totally destroyed my great immune system and reduced my quality of life. These doctors now are uninformed about most things related to the unordinary. And really should only treat those who have mumps, measles and such.


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