Superfood Menu Plan

Want to get more superfoods in your diet? Here are seven simple, healthy items to keep on your weekly superfood menu plan rotation.

By Danielle, contributing writer

Superfoods is a hot button word we hear often in the media. But, superfoods aren’t always what you think, and sometimes they can be hard to actually get on the table. I mean, moringa…cool, but how do I eat it besides hiding it in a smoothie?

The truth is that superfoods are all around us and look differently than the media may portray. Here are seven simple, healthy items to keep on your weekly superfood menu plan rotation. And, I snuck in some healthy snack ideas for you below, too!

Here are seven meal ideas for one week using superfoods in your meal plan – that your littles (and man) will eat.

  1. Microgreens. Check with your local farmer or grab a simple kit and grow your own. Microgreens add a huge punch of nutrients to every meal in a little package. Found to have more nutrients than their adult counterparts, you can use these to top salads, soups, and sandwiches for lunch throughout the week, or
  2. Cabbage. Cabbage may be fun for St. Patrick’s Day, but often gets forgotten in the weekly meal plan. Sauteed cabbage is delicious, and use the extra in a stir fry as a lunch meal.
  3. Radishes and their greens. Many don’t know that root veggie greens are often more nutritious than even the roots. But, use both! Roast radishes as a dinner side, and juice or make a pesto out of the greens to get more bang for your nutritional and financial buck.
  4. Sauteed wild edibles, such as lamb’s quarter, nettles, or dandelions. You can likely find these in your backyard or local park or preserve, but if not, check your local farm. I am sure your farmer would love to pick and sell some fresh, organic wild edibles for you (or you can offer to pick yourself!)
  5. Kale. You knew this one was coming. If you have digestive or kidney issues, always steam or sauteed kale before eating to lessen the effects of its oxalates. A fresh kale and beet salad, or kale chips should be on every menu plan.
  6. Fresh butter. While you expected kale, this one may surprise you. But, we need all the good fat, protein, omega fatty acids, and amino acids found in animal fat products. Look for pastured, organic, and raw options, or consider making your own with fresh, raw milk or cream from your local farmer.
  7. Cold Vegetable Soup – Gazpacho. I learned about gazpacho when I spent a summer in hot Seville, Spain. This was a mainstay for sultry summer nights and packs a load of fresh vegetable nutrition in one simple soup. Make a big pot on Sunday, and eat it as lunches throughout the week.

What about snacks? Superfood snacks to keep on hand

  1. Nuts
  2. Natural nut butters – choose a glass jar, or simply purchase natural nuts and grind your own in a food processor,
  3. Fresh fruit or veggies
  4. Homemade popsicles
  5. Natural deli meat and cheese rolls
  6. Cottage cheese and pastured yogurt
  7. Homemade granola and granola bars

I hope this encourages you to stock up on superfoods for your weekly meal plan. You can eat healthy, local, and tasty with a little planning!

What superfoods do you include in your meal plan?

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