Nursing Necessities: 7 Items to Bless a Nursing Mama


By Jaimie, Contributing Writer

nursing necessities

Breastfeeding is, in many ways, simpler than bottle feeding–no need to prepare formula, no bottles to wash, and whenever baby is hungry the food is always ready and available! But breastfeeding comes with its own challenges, and several items can make life easier and more pleasant for the nursing mama. These can be added to a baby registry if you’re expecting, or given to the nursing mama in your life as a thoughtful gift.

Nursing Necessities: 7 Items to Bless a Nursing Mama

Nursing Pads

Either reusable or disposable, having plenty of nursing pads on hand is a must! These are especially helpful when a mother’s milk comes in shortly after the baby is born. No one likes to be soaked with milk!

Nipple Ointment

There are several good brands of ointment out there, and a number of products that help soothe chapped and cracked nipples. Lanolin is a popular choice, but some moms swear by plain coconut oil. Others rave about Earth Mama Angel Baby’s nipple butter. Especially in the early days when baby is learning how to latch properly, a good nipple cream can be a lifesaver for the mom.

Burp Cloths

Cute ones are fun, but any absorbent cloth is necessary to have on hand to catch drips, spray (if you have a vigorous let-down!) and of course spit-up. I usually have a burp cloth or two everywhere I nurse, and several in the diaper bag.

A Good Water Bottle

Any nursing mom will tell you that it’s important to drink a LOT of water! Not only do you need extra hydration to make milk, but you want to make sure you don’t get dehydrated yourself. It’s not a bad idea to have a few water bottles, so you can have one handy anywhere you might nurse.

Nursing Tanks

These are so handy for making nursing in public more modest–you can pull up your top shirt up without revealing your tummy. It’s easy to DIY nursing tanks from clearance spaghetti-strap tanks: just cut the back of the strap, trim it, and sew a little loop with the front inch or so of the strap to slip over the clasp on your nursing bra.

Nursing Cover

For new nursing mamas, or those who are more comfortable with a cover when nursing in public, a really nice nursing cover is so helpful.

A Good Book

This could be a devotional, a novel you’ve read and would recommend, the latest installment of her favorite series, or a book on breastfeeding!

nursing mama necessities

Place a few of these items in a pretty basket, add a pleasant-smelling candle or some healthy treats, and you will greatly bless any nursing mama! This would make a wonderful present to take when you visit a new mom and baby, or for a Christmas or birthday gift for a nursing mama at any stage of her breastfeeding journey.

What are your nursing must-haves? What would you recommend to give a nursing mom?

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