5 Ways to Get Your Daily Bone Broth

By Jacki May, Contributing Writer

When I first started hearing about bone broth, I just assumed that it was just a homemade version of the chicken stock I bought in the store. I could not have been more wrong!

Then, about 4 years ago, I set out on a journey to heal my undifferentiated connective tissues disease, which was in a pre-lupus state, naturally. Bone broth was just one step to healing.

The basics of bone broth, as stated in “Nourishing Broth: An Old Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World” by Sally Fallon, is that it contain a large variety of gelatin, collagen, amino acids, minerals and cartilage compounds to support overall health. It does wonders for inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune disorders. It is recommended for healing a leaky gut.

Can the store stuff do that? I think not.

What I found though, was that it was hard to remember to get my daily bone broth in. So, I had to start sneaking it in where I could.

5 Ways to Get Your Daily Bone Broth

1) Drink It

Heat it up (stove, skip the microwave) and add a dash of sea salt. Drink it just like any beverage. We did this when a bug ran its course through our home. 1 cup for adults, less for children.

Some people like to get theirs right away in the morning, kind of like some people drink their coffee, and it really does help to have kind of a set time of day to drink it. But, since we don’t always remember (or have the time)….

2) Add it to Your Vegetables

When you go to cook your vegetables with dinner, instead of water use bone broth. You don’t have to cook it in all bone broth but using bone broth when cooking is a great, easy way to get your daily bone broth. This is great when you have children who aren’t a fan of drinking it.

3) Use it with Beans

After you have soaked your beans and are cooking them, add bone broth! This also works great when reheating beans and adds a ton of flavor.

4) Use it with Meat

While we usually add butter when cooking our meat (also good for vitamin A) but, just like the beans, adding a little helps keep the meat tender and adds flavor.

5) Egg Drop Soup

Heat up a serving of bone broth (about 8 ounces) and then add in 1-2 eggs. Whisk and keep heating until the egg is cooked, about 2-3 minutes. Add a pinch of sea salt, then, enjoy!

When I first tried this, I had only tried it with the store bought stuff and I couldn’t stand it. Then I tried it with our bone broth and it was delicious. Even our pickier eater will devour this.

Of course, you can always use bone broth in your soups.

daily bone broth vertical

My first batch of bone broth sat forever in my fridge, because I didn’t know what to do with it. This last batch, made just over a week ago is 1/3 of the way gone and I have a full chicken at the ready for our next batch. Hopefully, with these 5 ways to get your daily bone broth, your batch won’t just sit in the fridge.

How Do You Get Your Daily Bone Broth?


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0 thoughts on “5 Ways to Get Your Daily Bone Broth”

  1. Hey,Jacki! What caught my eye in this post was connective tissue desease. My husband has struggled with an autoimmune connective tissue desease for years. We’ve been doing homemade bone broth for about 4 years now, been on and off GAPS, cut out most junk. I know it wasn’t the main point of this post,but I would love to know what else has been key in your healing journey.


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