Shepherd’s Purse Tincture


Shepherd's Purse Tincture

Shepherd’s purse tincture is another that was recommended to me to have on hand for when my baby is born.  Shepherd’s purse is excellent at stopping bleeding, both internally and topically — which means it’s excellent for hemorrhage.

Of course, it’s also good for cuts that are bleeding.  And, it can be used to help heavy/painful periods, and urinary tract infections (it’s a diuretic).

It can, in larger doses, cause uterine contractions (So don’t use in pregnancy! Reserve for after birth.) Rarely, it can contribute to blood clots.  So be cautious and use small doses!

Shepherd’s Purse Tincture


  • 4 tbsp. shepherd’s purse
  • 2 oz. 100-proof vodka

Step 1: Add the shepherd’s purse to a 4-oz. glass jar.


Step 2: Pour vodka over it.


Step 3: Cover and shake to combine.  Let this sit in a cool, dark place for 6 weeks.  Strain through cloth and bottle in dark brown glass.

To use: Take only a few drops internally as needed.  Use more if needed but start small.  Do not use during pregnancy.

This is awesome if you are hemorrhaging postpartum.  First, take angelica tincture in case of retained placenta, to encourage it to come out — or anything else that may be causing the bleeding.  Then, follow up with shepherd’s purse.  Use only tiny doses, and be sure that nothing has been retained, because stopping the bleeding when there is something still inside could lead to infection.  Consult an herbalist if you are unsure of use.

For other uses, start with only 5 – 10 drops as needed for UTIs or for painful periods.  Can be mixed with cramp bark for painful periods.  Make sure to drink plenty of water along with it, especially in the case of UTIs.

Shepherd's Purse Tincture

Have you ever taken a shepherd’s purse tincture?

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