Is Elderberry Really The Best Flu Remedy?

Written by Kate Tietje and updated by Sarena-Rae Santos in August of 2023. 

Every year, there’s a lot of hype about how bad the flu season is.  They do this purposefully, even when they know the season is average, just to push flu shots.  But let’s suppose that we have a nasty flu season, like they always say.  There are two general sides:

  • Get your flu shot!
  • Take your elderberry!

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you know I don’t think the flu shot is a good idea.  I feel so strongly about the flu shot that my team and I have written a guide, Should You Get A Flu Shot and Other Ways to Stay Healthy.  Conversely, elderberry has been hailed as an entirely safe, natural, effective alternative remedy.  But is it, and is there any caution that should be taken?

Natural Remedies Warrant Caution Too

Natural remedies aren’t necessarily safe because they are “natural.” They can be poisonous or affect some individuals.  Natural remedies are potent and serious.  We must never think that all natural remedies are safe for everyone just because they’re natural.

Some natural remedies can be unsafe for certain people.  Alfalfa, for example, because it is high in vitamin K, can cause problems in people who have blood clotting disorders and even increase the likelihood of stroke or autoimmune conditions!  It must be used cautiously in vulnerable populations despite its benefits to many.  

On the contrary, some natural remedies can be used one way but not another.  For example, essential oils; drinking lemon juice is perfectly safe, but drinking lemon essential oil – not so much.  Another example is oil of oregano and oregano essential oil, which we discuss in our blog, When & Why to Choose Oil of Oregano Vs. Oregano Essential Oil.  Additionally, diffusing or using essential oils topically is perfectly safe for most but not certain ages or stages of life; it all depends on the essential oil.

Back to elderberry.  Previously, I thought elderberry was not for anyone with lupus, autoimmune, or blood clots–that has since changed.  Now, I know elderberry is safe for most people.  Of course, we recommend caution for individuals with autoimmune diseases and those on blood thinners, but this does not mean these individuals cannot use elderberry.  Check out our blog, My Personal Experience Taking Elderberry with an Autoimmune Disease, discussing Sarena-Rae’s testimony.

How Elderberry Works During Flu

As it turns out, from my early research, elderberry is very potent.  But, it doesn’t work along the same lines as Western principles.  When I first wrote this post in 2013, I thought that elderberry’s potent effects were enough to warn certain people away from it.  I now have a better understanding of its total effects on the body.

First, look at what happens when it’s used during illness.  For instance, elderberry has a strong effect on the flu.  One study notes:

“Sambucol was shown to be effective in vitro against 10 strains of influenza virus. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study, Sambucol reduced the duration of flu symptoms to 3-4 days (1).”

Other studies confirm this:

“A significant improvement of the symptoms, including fever, was seen in 93.3% of the cases in the SAM-treated group within 2 days, whereas in the control group 91.7% of the patients showed an improvement within 6 days (p < 0.001). A complete cure was achieved within 2 to 3 days in nearly 90% of the SAM-treated group and within at least 6 days in the placebo group (p < 0.001) (2).”

Another study also shows elderberry prevents viral infections like flu (3).

“We conclude from this study that, in addition to its antiviral properties, Sambucol Elderberry Extract and its formulations activate the healthy immune system by increasing inflammatory cytokine production (4).”

A final study states:

“The Sambucol preparations increased the production of five cytokines (1.3-6.2 fold) compared to the control (5).”

But what about cytokine storms?

Elderberry and Cytokine Storms

Suppose you’ve read Earthley’s guide, What You Need to Know About Elderberries.  In that case, you’d know “Cytokine storms” are poorly defined in the scientific literature.  Still, they are dysregulated pro-inflammatory cytokines to the point where they can hurt or kill a person.

High cytokine production can lead to a so-called “cytokine storm,” where the body massively overproduces these pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the body essentially attacks and kills itself.  That’s usually how young, healthy people die of the flu.  One reason is that both ibuprofen and acetaminophen have been known to lead to a “rebound” inflammation effect after taking (6) – and many people use these to treat the flu.

Trying to “fight” the body doesn’t work out well for anyone (at a minimum, it can prolong symptoms).  But supporting it with elderberry works exceptionally well and is much safer.

The general production of pro-inflammatory cytokines is normal during illness – it’s how the immune system activates to protect the body.  In otherwise healthy people, pro-inflammatory cytokines are balanced by anti-inflammatory and other effects so that the body can clear the illness without causing harm to itself.

In the spring of 2020, many people became concerned that elderberry would likely cause or contribute to a cytokine storm, and this was especially possible with COVID-19 – leading to many recommending against taking elderberry at all, in case they might develop that illness.

Previously, I misunderstood elderberry’s actions and thought that elderberry would continue to boost cytokine production any time it was taken — even if the person wasn’t sick (many others believe this, too).  But newer research shows that isn’t true, which mitigates many of the concerns surrounding it.

The evidence most often used to ‘prove’ elderberry can cause a cytokine storm is a 2001 study that looks at immune activation in healthy people.  Researchers noted that, with regular consumption, pro-inflammatory cytokine production was increased.  They concluded that elderberries could benefit several health issues (7).

This study does not conclude that the cytokine increase was problematic (quite the opposite!).  Pro-inflammatory cytokines are standard in most cases – they activate the immune system and help fight acute and chronic illnesses.  This is not evidence of dysfunction, nor that elderberry is causing or could cause a “cytokine storm.”

In fact, in one study, elderberry was used and other herbs for its anti-cytokine production.  In most cases, it has more of a “balancing” effect than anything else (8).  Another study confirms this, noting elderberry’s “inflammation-modulating” properties (9).

In over 4000 years of use, there have been no actual reported cases of a cytokine storm associated with elderberry use.  It would be more than theoretical if this were a real risk.

Elderberry can increase the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which may be associated with a cytokine reaction and severe complications.  However, elderberry has never explicitly been associated with a cytokine storm nor caused any problems with immune function.

How Elderberry Behaves When You’re Not Sick

First, we need to understand an important principle.  Herbs, in general, do not work at all like Western medicine.

In Western medicine, drugs are a single chemical with just one action.  They always do that one action, whether or not your body needs it.  They’re usually designed to interrupt your body’s function to “correct” a problem (which is why they cause so many side effects).

But herbs are different.  They don’t just have one action because they combine many other chemicals.  These chemicals work with your body to support it and can work in opposing ways — depending on what your body needs.  They usually don’t have side effects and are much safer!

Elderberry contains anthocyanins, quercetin, citric acid, tannins, and lots more!  Each has its own actions, which is why elderberry can do so many different things in the body.

Some parts of elderberry are pro-inflammatory and responsible for the immune system modulation during illness.  Other features are anti-inflammatory, which can calm the immune system and promote overall health when you’re not sick.

One study shows that elderberries and elderflowers regulate the immune system (10).  Another study shows that elderberries and astragalus root upregulate the immune system when you’re sick but otherwise do not (11).  A final study shows that the flavonoids in elderberry inhibit an excessive immune response (12).  But wait, there’s more!  Elderberries also help protect liver and heart health and have anti-cancer properties (13,14)!

Elderberry has also been shown to have anti-bacterial properties, including against some strains of strep bacteria, including Streptococcus pyogenes, responsible for many strep throat infections (15).  That study also notes that elderberry may help prevent complications of viral illnesses like bacterial pneumonia.  Because its protection is “non-specific,” infections would not become resistant to it as they do to antibiotics.

The bottom line of all of this?  Elderberry has many exceptional properties and appears safe in all studied populations.  Personally, I would recommend:

  • Taking elderberry daily, in small amounts, unless you have a negative reaction to it (not all herbs are for all people!)
  • Use from August – to March, during the majority of flu season, especially if symptoms develop or you have been exposed.
  • Caution is warranted in individuals with autoimmune conditions.  Generally, I recommend trying for immune support elderberry when not sick to see how you’ll react to it.  Don’t try it for the first time when sick.  If you find you respond negatively to elderberry, astragalus root may be a better option.

This is a bit of a reversal of what I thought back in 2013, but after reading more studies and having more experience with elderberry, I feel differently about it now.  Previously, I recommended only using elderberry during symptoms and for a short time.  I have witnessed so many people find it beneficial for daily use and avoiding illness that I needed to update my recommendations.  Personally, I had used it through the winter months and did not get sick when others around me did.

Elderberry Recommendations

Based on all this research, we created an ultimate elderberry collection incorporating the best combination of natural remedies.  These syrups may also be used for certain bacterial infections, and I recommend using cod liver oil in moderate doses.

If you’re looking to make your own elderberry syrup but don’t have the time to gather ingredients, find you’re overbuying herbs, or spend too much time researching the best recipe.  Simply boil in water and add honey, syrup, or a sweetener with these DIY Elderberry Syrup Kits.

Earthley’s Elderberry Elixir may be a good fit if you are not a DIYer or are tired of making syrup only to waste half of it.  This is a tincture I formulated.  It’s shelf-stable, very concentrated, and more cost-effective than syrups.  It’s also free of allergens, preservatives, colors, flavors, and added sugars.

What Else Helps?

To start, nourishing your body is vital.  Look for herbs that will replenish the nutrients you’ll lose during illness.  Herbs like nettle leaf and alfalfa are excellent for this, both brimming with vitamins and minerals (16,17).  Look at this herbal multivitamin formulated to provide the body with safe and effective levels of vitamins and minerals it can absorb properly. 

Fermented foods, especially true lactic acid ferments (anaerobic ferments), have been shown to activate the TH-1 immune system and prevent viral infection (18).  Consuming fermented foods regularly may help to prevent illness.  Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir) containing lactic acid bacteria were associated with a lower risk of allergies (19,20).  Kimchi is beneficial against food-borne illnesses (21).  Kombucha may repair damage caused by environmental irritants and help kidney function (22).

Ginger may be helpful with respiratory infections (23) and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, including inhibiting the TNF-alpha cytokine (24).  (Ginger is found in our Elderberry Elixir for this reason.)  Fresh ginger (but not dried) was also shown to be beneficial in preventing/helping RSV (25).

Very early research shows that pomegranate juice may be effective against flu, stomach flu (norovirus), and other infections (26).  Pomegranate has also been shown to possibly prevent and even kill cancer of the breast, prostate, and colon (27,28,29,30).

Cod liver oil (CLO) is incredibly beneficial.  If you read our blog, Everything You Need To Know About Cod Liver Oil, you know it contains vitamins A and D, which benefit immune function.  CLO may also protect against or slow the development of heart disease (31).  It has anti-inflammatory properties as well (32).  It may decrease the risk of respiratory illness (33,34).  It also affects the fat-soluble vitamin content of breast milk (35).  It may protect against cancer death (36) and help rheumatoid arthritis (37).  It may reduce the risk of type I diabetes (other vitamin D supplements didn’t show the same effect) (38).  Cod liver oil also reduces the risk of diabetes when pregnant women take it (additional vitamin D and multivitamin supplements didn’t show the same effect) (39).  It benefits eye health and may decrease the risk of glaucoma and associated blindness (40).

Vitamin C is also important.  If you read our blog, What You Need to Know About Vitamin C Supplements, you know we should be avoiding the ascorbic acid found in the store and opt for whole foods vitamin C instead.  Acerola berry and camu camu are two great sources of vitamin C (41) (that’s why it’s in our Immune-Aid Vitamin C).  Acerola berry is not only high in vitamin C, but it also has antioxidant and anti-aging properties (42). 

The Bottom Line

Elderberry has a long history of use as both food and “medicine” and benefits health in many ways, above and beyond flu treatment.  It’s a worthwhile herb to include in your diet regularly.  Including other herbs, like ginger or mullein, is a good idea, too!

Yes, I had way too much fun doing all that research.  It took many years of experience and hours of reading, but I’ve learned so much (you can read all the studies I did by clicking the links throughout the text).  

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and nothing in this post is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.  If you have questions, please do your own research or seek advice from a health professional.

How do you feel about using elderberry?

About the author

Author description olor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar ligula augue, quis bibendum tellus scelerisque venenatis. Pellentesque porta nisi mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam risus elit, molestie 

75 thoughts on “Is Elderberry Really The Best Flu Remedy?”

  1. Very well said. That is the same research I found when deciding if I should give this to my children. You need to treat it with respect, as with all herbal/natural remedies. I can’t stand when people are under the impression that because something is natural there is no harm. They are also like drugs (to me) and people can get in the habit of over doing the natural things too. Our bodies (according to one naturopath) need to fight things on our own too, and not become addicted to “natural” medicine too.

  2. Well done research! I’ve been making my own
    This winter- and all if these herbal and homeopathic
    Are fairly brand new to me. I do have a concern
    For myself though- I have lichen schlerosus and
    Psoriasis which are autoimmune conditions.
    Everything that I make for winter medicine has
    Elderberry or echinacea in the preparation. Any thoughts
    On this re- I don’t experience flares or problems
    When I ingest these things but I wonder if I’m
    Setting myself up for future problems.
    Thanks for all that you do and share!

  3. I love this post. I will be referring back to it quite often! Thank you! When you post the recipe (which I am hugely looking forward to) can you please specify whether maple syrup is ok to make it with instead of honey? I have not seen a recipe that does, and I try to avoid honey for my son. Thanks Kate!

  4. Thank you for this information. I think it’s very important to always delineate the risks involved with natural remedies in particular, since many people assume that just because it’s natural means it’s safe.

    I would add to the list turmeric milk. I just got over fighting off a nasty cold that would have turned into something worse back when I wasn’t doing all this weird stuff lol. I used a combination of elderberry, apple cider vinegar (for sore throat), green tea with ginger and honey, and turmeric milk 3 times a day. Gone in two days!!

    I’m gonna try the pomegranate juice next time. Thanks again and I enjoy your work!

  5. Great info to know. I still need to make this and haven’t done it yet. I was thinking of taking it everyday but now I will definitely reevaluate that decision. Thank you!!

  6. I made elderberry jelly & know people who eat it lots .Lots of foods have different properties ,but it doesn’t make them bad to use as daily foods. The pioneers used them for main fruit in some places. Broccoli will cause blood to clot & your blood thinner not to work as well. Garlic will thin your blood & cause you to bleed to much , if taking blood thinners. I think in moderation they are all ok for foods, as they have important nutrients in them. Potatoes,mushrooms & soybeans pick up pesticides more than any other foods.There are lots of facts we can learn about all foods if do some research on them. God bless.

  7. This was great information…I had read about the cytokine storms in younger folks during the Spanish flu of 1910 causing great problems. Also, as I have some autoimmune issues, I have tried to find things that may help or note what could hinder. (Like Echinacea is not great for folks with screwy immune systems–overstimulates) Never knew about alfalfa…thanks. But, I am confused–so you say the elderberry is OK for those of us with autoimmune (MS, Fibromyalgia, lupus, EBV type things) for short term use (as in treating the flu is more important) or is it better to try another route? (Like ginger, baking soda/water dosing,or ACV–things that alkylize the body) I realize this is just a discussion not medical advise–but your research is very good. Have you looked at that occillo stuff? Heard mixed things….Thanks. Lovely site 🙂

  8. thanks for the good information. as for oscillococcinum, there are different schools of thought when it comes to homeopathy and while some homeopaths adhere to the single remedy practice, there are many homeopaths who regularly and successfully treat with combination remedies. for the flu, muccococcinum (similar to oscillococcinum) is a good choice as a preventive (and treatment) taken once every other week during flu season.

  9. Interesting info. I would be interested in knowing who backed those studies about elderberry. Natural or conventional researchers? I really hope people aren’t scared away from using elderberry because it really is a wonderful remedy. We take it daily during cold and flu season (with breaks here and there) and swear by it.

  10. Hi, thanks for this information although I am still confused. My family and I all get asthma on occasion….so should we use elderberry or not? What about elderflower, could we substitute that – would it have a milder effect?

    Once again, thanks for posting this.

    Liz xx

  11. Though I completely agree with being as cautious with “natural remedies” as with medicines…I am confused by an apparent contradiction in your post. You say because elderberry increases the cytokines that it should not be taken daily, but then you say that it only increases the cytokines during illness…so why not take it daily during flu season?

    Thanks in advance for clarification.

  12. I was curious if you and anyone had heard of or experienced a heightened immune response when using elderberry. I mean really heightened: I am fighting some kind of upper respiratory infection that has cough and fever but nothing else, and my fevers have been very high, like 103-104+ especially if I bundle up. I have been using my elderberry syrup that I made a couple weeks ago for my hubby who had it as a really nasty cold. I’m just wondering if all I’m doing, the elderberry, thieves oil, vit D and cod liver oil is putting my immune system into overdrive.

  13. I just came across this article while researching ways to get children to take FCLO. Elderberry syrup came up a few times and I was wondering if it was a good idea to have them taking a dose everyday. I really appreciate the way you presented your information. Thank you! Still looking for ways to get my children to take FCLO since we are a little late in the game…

  14. Thanks for the work, but I think your warning is unwarranted based on your admittedly limited research. In any case, following your advice one would limit the possible effectiveness of elderberry. From the experience of two cold-and-flu-prone people, taking several tablespoons of tea brewed from elderberry berries two to four times a day for four years, it entirely (for us) prevents colds, flu and bacterial infections, seemingly curing annoying chronic bacterial and viral problems of many years duration — curing in the sense that these conditions have simply disappeared. Isn’t it better — much better — to eliminate/prevent these conditions then to treat them after they break out, when, for example, according to research, elderberry only lessens flu symptoms and shortens the duration of flu attacks? Moreover, according to new research, elderberry prevents cancer — at least prostate cancer! — in mice and apparently other conditions as well. According to researchers in Jerusalem who have studied elderberry, it seems safe. So perhaps you are jumping the gun. — Jared Israel

  15. Thanks for the info! I love that you share your research and conclusions with us freely. I appreciate that there are others who have the time, patience, whatever to do all this. Especially for people like me who are trying to play ‘catch up’ a bit with these topics 🙂

  16. Well, I’m thoroughly confused now. I am 33 weeks pregnant and yesterday I took 4 doses of elderberry syrup due to flu symptoms. You say, this is give my unborn child chances of autism?

  17. My 4 month old and I have the flu. The elderberry syrup I got said not for lactation or pregnancy, and for 2 years and older. Would you give this to your baby?

  18. I would like to begin by saying that I also firmly believe that herbal preparations and natural medicines in general need to be treated with respect, and one should do ample research or seek the advice of a professional herbalist or natural healer before implementing the long-term use of any herb or natural remedy. Also, of any blog on the web that discusses natural medicine and herbal healing methods as a means of leading a healthy lifestyle, this by far has the most extensive research I’ve seen. As a scientist myself, I appreciate that very much. I did, however, find your article lacking in a general understanding of how scientific studies are meant to be interpreted. The scientific studies you have quoted here are carried out independently from one another. To draw any type of relationship between them as a means to demonstrate- or imply, as you have done here- some kind of causal relationship is a fallacy. More specifically, you seem to imply a causal relationship between the increase in cytokine production associated with Sambucol and the increased cytokine levels associated with ASD/severe influenza/asthma/autoimmune disorders. In order to scientifically produce some kind of causal relationship between the use of Sambucus preparations and the types of cytokine storms that are related to ASD/severe influenza/asthma/autoimmune disorders, one would have to conduct separate experimental research studies on each variable in relation to the use of Sambucol. The mechanism involved with cytokine production and immune function is too intricate and delicate a process to simply surmise Sambucol’s effect on its function and regulation without proper scientific experimentation. Your article would make an excellent discussion section of such a study, but to draw such relationships based on opinion and rhetoric alone is misleading, and misinformative. I am an advocate for the daily use of Sambucus preparations during cold and flu season in healthy individuals. I think that this article instills an unnecessary amount of fear into people who are seeking a healthy alternative to western medicine and OTC options to treat cold and flu symptoms or as a preventative measure to prevent such illnesses. I can see where one with an autoimmune disorder may want to operate from the precautionary principle when considering whether or not to take elderberry, and for that I appreciate the inclusion of this consideration in your article. I have a problem, however, with the inclusion of the ASD study, which seemed to me to be irrelevant to your main argument, seeing as how later in the article you state that “ It should be safe for pregnant and breastfeeding moms (whose immune systems may be lowered, especially in pregnancy, and could benefit from the boost) and there has been no report of any adverse effects from use in these cases.” Were you including the ASD study specifically to address a word of caution to the use of Sambucol in infants/toddlers/children? If so, I would have specifically said so. If not, I’m not sure why the study is included, aside from the fact that it may have been an opposing opinion to the “elderberry is safe,” mantra for you to work with in this article. Even then, though, the ASD study did not have anything specifically to do with Sambucol and it’s relation to ASD, so it provides no supporting or opposing evidence whatsoever to the “is elderberry safe,” debate. On a more personal note, as a mom (one who is expecting kiddo number two, at that) I pay very close attention to any article or study that suggests a relationship between any environmental factor and autism, since the rate of autism in this country is so astoundingly high and the scientific community is still trying to pinpoint exactly what factor (or factors) cause autism. I personally would not even bring up the issue of autism unless there was a solid and statistically sound study that provided evidence to support my argument. I understand that it is necessary and important to do rigorous scientific research when adopting alternative medicine into ones lifestyle- a step that most people do not do, either because they feel overwhelmed or because they do not know how to properly analyze scientific papers- however one must weed through the evidence tactfully in order to reach sound conclusions.

  19. Thanks for your hard work/research. Stephen H. Buhner in his book Herbal Antivirals does an outstanding job as well explaining cytokine cascades/storms and Elderberry usage. He is one of the few Master Herbalists I trust. We know Elderberry works from personal experience with flu. However, fantastic alternatives to consider are Boneset and Lomatium Dissectum and Baikal Skullcap. I agree with all here that herbal medicine must be respected and used with great care and caution. Blessings to all and God blessl.

  20. Thank You for doing all of this ” footwork ” and letting us all know about the possible side effects. I love this stuff ! I am a firm believer but I also need to know what I might be getting in to ………. I have found conflicting info on other sites about H5N1 virus strain efficacy. One site said that it was 99% effective ……. another site said to stay away from ELDERBERRY because it increases TNFa and IL-6 . WOW …. polar opposites ! …… THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!! ……. ya might wanna put a picture of elderberry up though , your picture shows privet berries as of now ……..

  21. Thank you for the info. I personally am a believer in taking Sambucol. I haven’t ventured into making an extract for myself. In any case, I think caution is a good thing and I love reading information about the health effects of herbs and plant extracts.

  22. Kate, it’s always so refreshing to see a site that includes so much research. I know that takes loads of time, so thank you for doing it.

    Question: I noticed you suggested taking elderberries along with FCLO. I’ve read so many good things about it, but I’m currently pregnant and my doctor is concerned that taking it along with my prenatals could be a risk because of vitamins A and D being in both the prenatals and FLCO. I know that FLCO has natural vitamin A and D, and that most CLO has synthethic A and D. Have you seen any research on the safety of taking FLCO or CLO along with prenatals? I am currently taking prenatals from Metagenics called Wellness Essentials. I was also wondering about the safety of it if I took FLCO or CLO along with prenatals while breastfeeding.

  23. Interesting article! I have an inflammatory inner ear condition that causes chronic dizziness and the day after taking home made elderberry syrup w/honey (at 1 TBPS every 2 hours), I had bad vertigo. I’m wondering now if the inflammatory response from elderberry made my inner ear condition worse? The good news is that it stopped my cold dead in its tracks.

  24. I have tried reading this article for several days now, but can’t see anything besides the comments. Is there a problem with the original article? Any suggestions on how I can view it? Thanks so much!

  25. Tylenol and the other drugs are worst and many people keep taking them. Even though Tylenol and the others in the long run could damage the mayor organs. Just don’t be too afraid about using this product. My 5 years old daughter is autistic and she feels great in just 2 days, make sure that the medicine is organic and won’t have any problems.

  26. Thanks so much. Elderberry was just recommended to me as a way to get Vitamin C, but after reading a bit about it, I too seemed to understand that it would boost the immune system rather than build the immune system. It’s fine to make the immune system work harder when you are getting sick, but keeping on revving the engine isn’t a wise daily choice. Thanks for doing the research to confirm my hunch.

  27. I have asthma, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis and fibromyalgia. I started taking Elderberry tea for bronchitis and persistent asthma and I can attest that my psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia got Much worse despite being on immune blocking drugs. I would strongly advise people with autoimmune disease avoid this.

  28. I have an autoimmune condition and elderberry caused a lot of pain after a single dose.I think auto immune conditions are on the rise because people keep stimulating the immune system without breaks nowadays.


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