If I had to pick my favorite essential oil I would know the answer without question – peppermint. This minty fresh oil contains menthol which leaves you with that wonderful tingling sensation. When using a high quality oil the number of things you can use peppermint for seem limitless. The five I am about to cover just rank toward the top of my list:
When headaches strike you can take a small amount of peppermint and rub it into your temples, forehead, ect. Just make sure not to get it near your eyes. If you don”t know how this works on your skin you might want to dilute it with a carrier oil.
Bug Bites
This weekend I stepping in a fire ant bed. We were on our way out of town and already loaded up in the car and I had no idea what I was going to do to get rid of that painful itch. Then I remembered I had my peppermint chapstick! I applied it to the bites and the pain and itching stopped right away! Certainly something I intend to keep in my purse or the diaper bag from now on.
I am not a big fan of ants and spiders but I absolutely can not stand a mouse. You know the old movies with the woman standing on a table screaming but still looking classy? That’s me – though likely looking less polished. We also live near woods so when we first moved here we had a major spider issue. We tried calling pest control but really found it to be a waste of money because their spray wasn’t working. This is the first year I have tried this but since we started putting peppermint soaked cotton balls in spots we knew these things would be I haven”t seen them (and sincerely hope I will not). Make sure you change to cotton balls at least monthly so they don’t lose their scent.
Stomach problems
Be it constipation, indigestion, heartburn, or any number of other stomach issues peppermint can be useful in helping aid digestion. My favorite way to do this is add it to tea – just make sure that the oil you have is approved for internal consumption.
A bath with peppermint can be very relaxing and also help with sore muscles making it perfect after a long day. It”s fresh scent is known to make one feel bright and cheery giving the effect of calming yet mood boosting. It is also a favorite as a massage oil. When working diffuse peppermint oil to improve your concentration and alertness.
Great list of uses! I also love it for reducing fevers. The beautiful thing about peppermint is that it cools the body without stopping it from fighting the illness. 🙂
Here are my top 10 uses for peppermint essential oil: http://www.morethanmundane.com/2011/11/02/ten-uses-for-peppermint-essential-oil-giveaway/
I’ve also heard it helps with hotflashes. Spread a little on the back of your neck
Peppermint has been scientifically proven to help with memory recall, which is why some schools give peppermint candy to kids during standardized testing. When my kids have big tests at school, I rub a little on the bottoms of their feet and hands before sending them off. I recently heard it works better if they inhale the peppermint while studying, then again while testing. We are trying that out this week.
I love it for diffused it helps me relax and in hot cocoa. YUMMY
I can’t live without my peppermint essential oil…I am loving the new peppermint beadlets! #doterraleadership