5 Simple & Easy After School Snacks

By Rustina

Whether you homeschool or school outside of your home, snack time is very important, and usually rushed! Here are some of my favorite snacks to make up ahead of time to answer those “Mom, I’m hungry” calls while I am working.

5 Simple & Easy After School Snacks

#1 Yogurt Bites

You can buy your kiddo’s favorite yogurt or make your own. Prepare a tray or cookie sheet (or cooking sheet – which just means it has a lip around the edge instead of flat) with parchment paper. Pour the yogurt into a baggie and trim a corner off (use similar to frosting bags). Place droplets of the yogurt on parchment (think of those little fruit and veggie melts in the baby aisle). You can add pureed fruits and veggies or chopped ones with it also. Place the little bite-size drops in the freezer or freeze-dryer until solid. If frozen, store in a baggie or other container in the freezer.

#2 Veggie sticks and peanut butter dip

One of my favorite “snacks” is chips and dip, but I try to limit that. To distract myself (and kiddos) with something else crunchy and dippy, I use celery, carrots, or apples in a nut butter and cream dip. 

Try our Smooth Peanut Butter Dip recipe!

#3 Mini Tacos 

This one is fun for the kids to help make also. Place round tortilla chips on the cooking sheet, and then add a spoonful of seasoned refried beans or cooked meat on each chip. Sprinkle on the cheese and any toppings you want baked on it. Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes (just until the cheese is starting to melt and the chips look well heated). When they come out from the oven, fold the chips in half to form a cute little mini taco. Use taco sauce and/or sour cream with parsley and bacon bits to dip! 

#4 Smoothies

Recipe Collection: Milk Boosting Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Recipe Collection: Greens Smoothie

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Recipe Collection: Monkey Smoothie

Recipe Collection: Strawberry-Lime Smoothie

Healthy Green Detox Smoothie

Probiotic Smoothie Popsicles

Berry Antioxidant Smoothie Recipe {Guest Post}

DIY: Immune Support Smoothie

Recipe Collection: Orange Cream Smoothie

DIY: Parasite Detox Smoothie 

#5 Pizza Bagels

You can use store bought or homemade bagels – if you choose to use this recipe, omit or reduce the vanilla bean for pizza bagels. Place bagels on a cooking sheet, spread a tomato sauce seasoned with garlic, fennel, oregano, and pepper onto the bagel. Sprinkle a layer of cheese on top of that. Then, add meats and veggies as you like (sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, onion, spinach). Bake at 400 degrees for about 8-10 minutes.

You can also make Pizza Balls from Kate’s Wholesome Real Food Favorites Cookbook

If you are looking for ideas of what you can sneak into your kiddo’s lunches and snacks for some great health benefits, check out our 20 Super Foods and Why You Need Them and Top 10 Healthy “On the Go” Snacks.


What’s your favorite snack to make?

About the author

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