5 Reasons Why You Need a New Bed This Year

Some months back, I told you why I ditched my organic bed.  After everything I went through to get an organic bed in the first place, the fact that I got a new bed probably surprised you.

But, a bed must be two basic things: safe (no chemicals), and comfortable.  If it’s only one of those things, then it’s not such a great bed.  After all, you don’t want to be living in a chemical fog, which your face is directly in and you breathe in all night long.  But you don’t want to wake up stiff and sore, or worse, not sleep much because you are uncomfortable.  My organic bed, sadly, was just not very comfortable, especially when I was pregnant.

I got an intelliBED, though, in the final month of my pregnancy, and I found it much more comfortable (and safe!).  I still do, more than 6 months later.  In fact, at this point, I sit on it often to work (like now).

Anyway.  This holiday season, you deserve the gift of a new bed.  And here’s why.

5 Reasons Why You Need a New Bed This Year

1. Your bed is probably old

How old is your bed?

Most people are sleeping on mattresses that are 10 years old…or more.  A lot of people don’t replace their mattresses until they are falling apart or basically so uncomfortable they can’t sleep.  You know, lumpy, unsupportive, and all-around terrible.  (I know — mattresses are expensive.)

But, this is a problem.  Mattresses are filled with polyurethane foams.  These foams don’t properly support your weight after a few years, meaning your bed can hurt you, especially when you are lying in the same position for hours.  Plus, as they break down, they actually off-gas more chemicals!  And you’re sleeping in that, with your face close to it, breathing it in…for 8 or so hours every night.

No, when your mattress is getting older, it’s just time to replace it.  For your health.

2. Most beds off-gas harmful chemicals

That polyurethane foam I mentioned above?  It’s no picnic at any point in your bed’s life.  It off-gasses quite a bit when it’s new (first several days or so), and then more as you use the bed and the foam begins to break down.  It breaks down after only a few years, and cheaper ones may break down faster than that.

The chemicals that off-gas have been linked to poor sleep, skin rashes, reproductive harm, and even cancer.  This isn’t stuff you want to mess with, especially when you are sleeping on this for several hours every single day.

3. Most beds are not properly supportive

Most beds come with inner springs and foams.  The foams can shift over time, as you roll on it, and weight is distributed unevenly.  Coils don’t support your body evenly either.  These can lead to pressure points that cause soreness, which is why you might wake up stiff and sore.  You may also sleep poorly because you need to roll over more frequently to avoid too much pressure on any one part of your body.  That’s disrupting you, and causing your body not to restore itself properly.

4. Restorative, healthy sleep is important

Yes, those previous points really matter, because sleep really matters.  Sleep is when your body actually heals and restores itself.  Sleep is when it works on naturally detoxing and fixing all those things that happened during the day.  That’s why, if you’re sick, you want to sleep so much — your body needs extra time to repair itself.  If your sleep is interrupted, short, or poor-quality in the long run, this can impact every aspect of your health.  Your thinking will be slower and fuzzier.  You’ll get sick more often.  You may even shorten your lifespan.  Sleep deprivation is no joke!

One of the ways to get quality sleep is to have a quality sleep surface and a safe, healthy sleep environment.

reasons you need a new bed this year

5. A long-term, quality investment

A bed — any bed — is a big investment.  A good mattress can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.  That’s just how it is, for something this big.

But don’t waste your money on something that is going to harm your health rather than support it.  Or something that’s only going to last 5 – 10 years before it needs to be replaced.

My intelliBED meets all my criteria.  It’s made of safe materials that don’t off-gas.  It’s comfortable (it really is — when we traveled in January, I slept on the bed in my mom’s guest room.  Compared to my hard organic bed, that bed was so comfortable and was one of the catalysts to my choosing a new bed.  But when we traveled for Thanksgiving, that exact same bed was so uncomfortable compared to my intelliBED that I had trouble sleeping the whole time we were there!).

And it’s a long-term investment.  Unlike other beds, it has a full 30-year warranty.  Most beds have a 1 – 2 year warranty and recommend replacement after 8 years.  intelliBED has the maximum length warranty allowed by law, but their tests have indicated that it really doesn’t break down.  I’ve only had mine for about 7 months, so I can’t speak to what it will be like after years, personally, but it’s certainly in great shape and very comfortable now!

But, here’s the best part.

For a limited time, you can get a really, super awesome deal from intelliBED.  (This is the perfect time to get a new bed for yourself, just before the holidays!  Don’t you deserve a gift that will keep on giving, every single night you sleep?)  Here’s how it works:

When you buy an adult mattress (queen or larger), you’ll get 10% off with my special coupon code, AND you’ll get wool comforter included.  How awesome is that?  You’ll have a safe, healthy bed to sleep on, and safe, healthy bedding on top.  (Because what you’re covered with is as important as what you’re sleeping on — they’re both close to your face all night.)

The wool comforter from Holy Lamb Organics is, obviously, organic.  It’s not scratchy like you think of wool.  It’s soft, light, and breathable, so it’s good for any weather.  It looks super soft, too.  This is an additional $400 value, plus you get 10% off the bed.  That’s pretty awesome.

This offer is only good through 12/31/15, so don’t miss it.  Grab your brand-new bed now, and you’ll be sleeping on it by Christmas.  Plus, if you don’t love it, intelliBED offers up to 60 days for you to return the bed for a full refund.  Really.  They deliver it to your door, set it up, and if you don’t love it, they’ll come and take it away again and refund you.  When I first got mine, they called me about once a month, the final time the day before my trial ended, to make sure I was enjoying my new bed.  I know of just one person who did not like their intelliBED (most people I know love it), and even that person said they had a great experience with customer service.  So really.  Nothing to lose.

I hope you can give yourself the gift of healthy sleep this year — you deserve it. 🙂

Do you need a new bed this year?  What will you choose?

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