40 DIY Homeschool Crafts

It’s fall!  Well…sort of. 🙂

Fall means back to school, and the kids are definitely back to school, at least most of them.  Our kids are very much looking forward to homeschool crafts and projects with their friends, and us moms are looking forward to it too!

That’s why I pulled together this roundup of DIY homeschool crafts.  It’s so nice to so many options in one place!  There are 40 different links here, but a few of them actually offer more than one craft option.  That’s a whole lot of cute crafts!

It’s all broken down by type.  Preschool, elementary, fall, and holiday.  Choose what works best for you.  Or choose them all!

General Homeschool Crafts (Preschool)

General Homeschool Crafts (Elementary)

Fall Homeschool Crafts

Holiday Homeschool Crafts

fall discovery pack 

Green Kid Crafts for Crafty Kids

Are you not a very crafty mom…but your kids love crafts and learning?  Or maybe you are crafty but also really busy, and you could use something some help coming up with fun ideas and gathering all the necessary supplies.

That’s what Green Kid Crafts is all about.  Each month, they send you a cute, crafty kit on a different theme — all the materials you need (besides basic tools, like scissors) included.  They’re educational, so your kids will be learning as they’re working!

Their Fall Discovery Boxes are coming soon (you can see a sneak peek at what’s in them above).  The themes are:

  • September: Weather Science
  • October: Legends and Folktales
  • November: Gifts Made by Me

Green Kid Crafts was started by a mom, just like you, who understands the desire for cute, creative, and educational projects, and who wanted to make it easier to do.  You can purchase just one box at a time for $19.95, or save $1 per box if you subscribe for 6 months, or save $3 per box if you subscribe for a full year at a time.  Most of us spend a lot more than $20 a month on our kids’ school supplies and projects anyway.

Each box contains 3 – 4 crafts plus extension activities, a guide, and extra art supplies — it’s pretty much a month of lessons in a box.

If you prefer to start with something smaller, they also offer Creativity Boxes for around $8, which contains just one craft.  Many of these crafts are ones your child can keep and use long after the “crafting” is done — like the lace-up stuffed (felt) food!

Check them out today.  It would make a great Christmas or birthday gift!  (And please.  Yes, it’s still August, but Christmas is going to come so fast.)

What are your favorite homeschool crafts for kids?


About the author

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