3 Ways to Use Goldenrod

By Sarena-Rae Santos, Natural Health Blogger

Goldenrod has become pretty popular and for a great reason. This amazing plant grows in many yards and is often disregarded as a weed and killed. If you read our Goldenrod Herbal Profile, you’d know goldenrod is a bright yellow flower of the Compositae family jam-packed with health benefits like:

  • Antioxidant properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Wound-healing properties
  • Anti-aging properties
  • May promote heart health 
  • May improve urinary tract health
  • May aid in weight loss
  • Anticancer properties

With over 150 goldenrod species (75 in the United States), it’s no wonder we’ve been taught it’s “just a weed.” Goldenrod is a perennial that blooms in the late summer and early fall. It can be identified by its 2 to 5 feet tall stems, long, narrow leaves, and bright yellow pyramid-shaped flower clusters. Most varieties of goldenrod are native to North America, though a few species grow in Europe and Asia. Let me teach you how to make three simple goldenrod recipes you can use all year round.

3 Ways to Use Goldenrod

When most people think of using goldenrod, they think about making goldenrod tea. Of course, that’s an amazing option, but there are many other ways to use goldenrod. Let me share my top three ways to use goldenrod. 

Goldenrod Honey

Imagine this: It’s a beautiful spring day; the birds are chirping, and flowers are blooming. All is wonderful, except your allergies are uncontrollable. You’re sneezing so much you’re missing the beautiful scenery. Then you remember that goldenrod-infused honey recipe you made a few months ago, and you’re so grateful to have an all-natural allergy solution. All you need is goldenrod, honey, and a jar (plus a few weeks of steeping).

Goldenrod Syrup

Whether you’re looking for relief this allergy season or have a surplus of goldenrod growing in your yard, you won’t want to pass up this goldenrod herbal syrup recipe. Use it to sweeten herbal iced tea, pour on top of pancakes, or even use a spoonful of syrup to help the Sinus Saver go down. All you need is goldenrod, honey, water, a jar, and about an hour to make it.

Goldenrod Salve

Every herbalist needs a simple recipe highlighting the benefits of their favorite herb; that’s what this recipe is. This simple goldenrod salve recipe can help relieve pain from muscle aches or arthritis. Goldenrod is great for alleviating allergy and eczema symptoms and can even be used on minor wounds. It only takes three ingredients (goldenrod, oil, and wax), making it simple, even for herbalists in training.

What’s your favorite way to use goldenrod?

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