Top 10 Healthy “On the Go” Snacks

By Rustina, Contributing Writer

Summer is coming fast, and we can’t wait to hit the road for more adventures! With prices as they are, and the state of many “food” places the way they are, I try to bring as many nutrient-rich snacks as I can with us. I have 4 growing boys so lots of protein and antioxidants are needed! While they all have different taste preferences, here are our favorites!

Top 10 Healthy “On the Go” Snacks  

#10 Super Food Pops

I love these because they have different options to eat them and a dual purpose – they can serve as an ice pack for a while! 

#9 Blueberry Muffins {Whole Wheat and GF Variations}

There is something so delicious about lightly sweet, hearty muffins with bursts of sweet-tart berries.  They make a delicious breakfast or healthy snack. 

#8 Springtime Breakfast Bars

I loved the Birthday (and lemon-blueberry and chocolate peanut butter) Granola recipe in Kate’s new cookbook, and thought it would be fun to give it a springtime twist. 

#7 Mozzarella, Summer Sausage, and Crackers “Lunchable”

This combo is always a quick and easy one! Get some summer sausage at your local meat locker, find some whole milk, low moisture mozzarella (or make your own), and organic sourdough crackers (like these). You can add any other yummies like grapes, orange slices, pepperoni, olives — whatever your preferences are!

#6 Pumpkin Protein Balls

These are a yummy and nutrient dense treat! 


  • 1 can pumpkin
  • 3 cups organic rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup of raw honey or maple syrup
  • 1 cup almond butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/8 teaspoon clove (or 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice)
  • Optional: 1 cup your choice of nuts

Step 1: Blend all ingredients together, and roll into 1 inch balls on a parchment-lined baking sheet. 

Step 2: Refrigerate for up to one hour, then keep in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to one week.

#5 Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups (but Healthier)

Chocolate and peanut butter really do just go hand and hand, but who wants all those yucky ingredients from the store bought stuff? Just make these yummy and far more healthy treats! These candies have protein and no toxic, cancer-causing ingredients!

#4 Fruit Jars

Fill half pint jars with fresh, clean fruits. Sliced strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, mango, grapes, berries, orange slices, apple slices – any fruit with work! You can even add an herbal garnishment on top for them to try out too!

#3 Crunchy Dippers (a smooth PB dip and veggies)

One of my favorite “snacks” is chips and dip, but I try to limit that. To distract myself with something else crispy, crunchy, and dippy, I use celery, carrots, or apples in a soft nutty dip.

#2 Honey Buttered Popcorn

One of my favorite memories is my Mom and Dad making homemade caramel popcorn for movie night! Now, my hubby and I make popcorn for our boys on the rare occasion that we sit down to watch a movie. It’s also a great “on the go” snack! They all love their salty and buttery popcorn, but I still crave that sweet taste, and this honey butter recipe does the trick!

#1 Jerky

We really enjoy some good jerky around here, especially if we’re traveling or embarking on a special diet. Store-bought jerky is often not an option for us because it’s expensive, made from factory-farmed meat (sometimes…but if not it’s even more expensive!), and can contain sodium nitrite, soy, and sugar. No thanks!

Need some easy to use baggies? Check out these cute DIY: Snack Bags! Looking for more healthy, easy to make ideas? Check out Kate’s Wholesome Real Food Favorites Cookbook!

About the author

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