DIY: Basic Pregnancy Tea

By Sarena-Rae Santos, Natural Health Blogger

Pregnancy tea has been a must for many women. Pregnancy is miraculous, but it seems like the body’s physical needs are changing constantly. From building a birth team to planning aftercare, sleep, exercise, and what you eat are crucial. That’s why many women count on pregnancy tea. 

You will undoubtedly save a lot of money and have fresher tea if you buy herbs in bulk and make your own tea. So let’s get down to business; what are the basic herbs you need to build the perfect pregnancy tea? 

DIY: Basic Pregnancy Tea

Always remember NORA: Nettle, oatstraw, raspberry leaf, and alfalfa. These four herbs should always be your pregnancy tea’s base. 

Nettle is an anti-inflammatory that is full of vitamins and minerals (1,2).

Oatstraw is rich in iron, manganese, and zinc (3).

Raspberry leaf tones the uterus without forcing contractions (4).

Alfalfa is rich in many vitamins and minerals (5).

Of course, these four herbs are your tea’s base. As I said, a pregnant body’s needs are always changing. Five additional herbs that can be used to ensure your pregnancy tea is exactly what you need are:

  • Catnip is a very mild sedative and helps ease gastrointestinal distress (6).
  • Ginger promotes gastrointestinal health and is beneficial for gut health (8,9).
  • Lemon peel has soothing effects on the digestive system (10).
  • Spearmint helps balance hormones and relieve digestive upsets (11,12).

DIY: Basic Pregnancy Tea


  • 1/4 cup of red raspberry leaf
  • 1/4 cup of nettle
  • 1/8 cup of oatstraw
  • 1/8 cup of alfalfa
  • 2-4 tbsp. of catnip, dandelion, ginger, lemon peel, and/or spearmint


  1. Mix the ingredients in a bag or jar until well combined.
  2. When ready to brew the tea, scoop one teaspoon into a tea infuser, and pour in one cup of boiling, filtered water.
  3. Add a small amount of honey or sweetener of choice if desired, stir and enjoy.

Of course, pregnancy tea can be purchased in the store, but they’re not customizable; you have no idea if the tea bags contain microplastics, and it can be outright expensive. If you do decide to purchase a store-bought pregnancy, be sure it’s organic or give Earthley’s Pregnancy Tea a try.

What’s your favorite herb to use in pregnancy tea?

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