Recipe Collection: Shamrock (Mint) Milkshake

I’ve never been one to swing by the popular fast food restaurant to get the infamous shamrock shake…but many people love it.  And hey, I’m a fan of mint ice cream, so I get it.

This year, we had a little St. Patrick’s Day get-together with our homeschool coop, and I decided that sounded like a good treat to make for the kids.  Of course, I wanted to use real food ingredients to make it!

Luckily, this is fairly easy to do.  And boy were they cute!

Recipe Collection: Shamrock (Mint) Milkshake


  • 2 c. milk ice cubes
  • 1/2 c. heavy cream
  • 1 tsp. mint extract
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 – 4 tbsp. raw honey
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp. chlorella powder (optional)

Step 1: Pour milk into ice cube trays to freeze.  This takes a good 3 – 4 hours, so it’s best to do it the night before.  This is my secret to “milkshakes” without ice cream!

Step 2: Add the milk ice cubes to the blender, followed by the cream, extracts, and raw honey.  (We like it just a little sweet, but you can add more honey if you like it sweeter.)

Step 3: Blend until smooth, adding a bit more milk or cream as needed to make it work.

Step 4: Add the chlorella powder and blend until it’s well-mixed.  Chlorella has added health benefits in addition to providing a green color.  Use as much as you want to get the shade of green you prefer, but be aware that if you add too much it’ll add a flavor to the milkshake you might not want.

That’s it!  Pour into glasses and top with a sprig of fresh mint if you want.  (I don’t have any fresh mint at this time of year — I had to buy some at my local store.  But in the next month, my spearmint plant will come roaring back, and we might have to make this again.  And again.  And again.)

If you want this to be dairy-free, feel free to use canned coconut milk.

If you want it to be vegan, use coconut milk and maple syrup.  Adding some avocado will also add some green color and make it creamier…although I haven’t tried it personally.

If you want it to be keto, use your favorite keto sweetener to taste, and feel free to throw in an egg yolk or two for extra creaminess.

Shamrock (Mint) Shake

Outstanding shamrock (mint) shake made from real food ingredients.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Dessert, Drinks


  • 2 c. milk ice cubes
  • 1/2 c. heavy cream
  • 1 tsp. mint extract
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2-4 tbsp. honey raw
  • 1/2-1 tsp. chlorella powder optional


  • Pour milk into ice cube trays to freeze. This takes a good 3 – 4 hours, so it’s best to do it the night before. This is my secret to “milkshakes” without ice cream!
  • Add the milk ice cubes to the blender, followed by the cream, extracts, and raw honey. (We like it just a little sweet, but you can add more honey if you like it sweeter.)
  • Blend until smooth, adding a bit more milk or cream as needed to make it work.
  • Add the chlorella powder and blend until it’s well-mixed. Chlorella has added health benefits in addition to providing a green color. Use as much as you want to get the shade of green you prefer, but be aware that if you add too much it’ll add a flavor to the milkshake you might not want.


If you want this to be dairy-free, feel free to use canned coconut milk.
If you want it to be vegan, use coconut milk and maple syrup.  Adding some avocado will also add some green color and make it creamier…although I haven’t tried it personally.
If you want it to be keto, use your favorite keto sweetener to taste, and feel free to throw in an egg yolk or two for extra creaminess.

What’s your favorite flavor of milkshake?

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