GOOT: How to Make It and 6 Uses for It

What is GOOT? Find out everything you need to know about this ancient remedy used for a myriad of illnesses. Learn how to make it yourself and how you can use it in your home.

By Danielle, Contributing writer

You may have clicked this link because you have no idea what GOOT is. That’s OK – neither did I. But, as the lazy mom that I am, I combined garlic and whatever oils I had on hand to make a powerhouse treatment I used on the go (which is all the time).

Come to find out, it’s a real thing! It’s been used for centuries to treat everything from warts to the common cold. GOOT stands for Garlic Oil Ointment Treatment and has more uses than crunchy moms in Whole Foods.

Garlic has natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties, and outperforms pharmaceuticals time and time again. Ingesting garlic is wonderful for your system, but applying topically can deliver the healing properties of garlic to organs that need it faster. GOOT is great to have on hand to apply to an ailment, or as immune support.

How to Make Your Own GOOT

  • 1/2 bulb of organic, raw garlic
  • 1/4 cup of organic liquid oil (olive, almond, castor)
  • 1/2 cup of organic, cold pressed coconut oil

Step 1:

Warm up the coconut oil slightly (if you live in the tundra like me and it’s only soft 2 days a year), and mix in your liquid oil. A pint-size mason jar works perfectly.

Step 2:

Add minced garlic (as small as you can get it) to the mixture.

Step 3:

Allow mixture to set and refrigerate.

Note: Store in the refrigerator. Use within 2-3 weeks.

Here’s how to make it in video (it really is easy!)

6 Uses for GOOT

  • Apply to the chest for a deep cough
  • Apply to the feet and cover with socks for general immune support
  • Consume a teaspoon (or two!) for immune support
  • Apply topically to any skin rashes, especially ringworm or warts
  • Rub on the throat and lymph nodes when illness is going around
  • Apply to the inside of the nostrils to fight a cold

Today, I keep GOOT on hand and slather it on any ailment, and at the first sign of illness. Who knew such a funny-named remedy could do so much?

Have you made GOOT? What do you use it for?

About the author

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19 thoughts on “GOOT: How to Make It and 6 Uses for It”

  1. I made this once when when of my children were very small. The youngest child was 6 months old and got a respitory sickness from her siblings. I put it on the soles of her feel every time I changed her diaper and it kept her symptoms at bay. I knew it was the ointment because when I thought she was over it I stopped using it and within an hour or two she started being raspy again. Great stuff!

  2. Can you add a note about the shelf life of this remedy? I’m super excited to incorporate it into our routine, but I think mentioning a shelf life might need to be addressed considering garlic and oil together create a an environment for botulism to grow. Considering the option that one might ingest this, it seems pertinent to factor in food safety standards.

  3. Is there something else that I can use in place of coconut oil in this recipe? My daughter is allergic to it.

    Thank you, in advance for responding to my question.


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