5 Simple Bath Salt Recipes for Everyday Life

Try out these simple bath salt recipes for soothing, relaxing baths at home — easy to make and use and come in five different scent options!

By Jackie, Contributing Writer

Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound consisting of magnesium and sulfate. This compound is one of nature’s many cures for us. Having been used throughout the world for hundreds of years, Epsom salt has many benefits.

Some benefits of using Epsom salt:

  • Alleviates stress by relaxing the body
  • Eases muscle pain and tension
  • Detoxes the body
  • Soothes sprains and bruises
  • Can remedy toenail fungus and athlete’s feet
  • Exfoliates skin
  • And more!

Most of us have a container of Epsom salts in our linen closet. If that is you, it is time to pull it out, dust it off, and start embracing the many benefits of using the salts. For others, it is as simple as purchasing it from a drug store. It is very affordable.

A very simple way to incorporate the many benefits of Epsom salt is through a weekly bath. Simply add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath and relax in it for at least 15 minutes.

Additionally, adding oils and herbs to your Epsom salt will create simple bath salts with even more specific benefits.

5 simple bath salt recipes

5 Simple Bath Salt Recipes for Everyday Life

Try one of these 5 easy bath salt recipes to improve your mental and physical health!

1. Relaxing Bath Salt Recipe

If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, simply grab 2 cups of Epsom salt, add a few drops of lavender essential oil and dried lavender and dissolve in a warm bath. The lavender will work together with the salt to relax your body and your mind. Add some peaceful music or read an enjoyable book during your much-needed break.

2. Stress-Eliminating Bath Salt Recipe

If you are having a stressful week, 2 cups of Epsom salt mixed with peppermint and/or orange essential oils dissolved in a warm bath can help to eliminate some of that stress. Epsom salt by itself works to alleviate stress, adding these oils to the mix will intensify that. Relax, forget about the stress, and just soak in the moment.

3. Calming Bath Salt Recipe

Some days are just filled to the brim with intensity, for those days when you need to just rest and be calm, try this recipe. Take 2 cups of Epsom salt, add vanilla extract and vanilla bean then add to your warm bath. The aroma of the vanilla will help bring you to a state of calm.

4. Refreshing Bath Salt Recipe

For those days that you feel completely rundown, try to add mint essential oil and dried mint leaves to 2 cups of Epsom salt. Add this to your warm bath and soak in it. This recipe can help you feel refreshed and renewed.

5. Uplifting Bath Salt Recipe

When feeling down and out of sorts this recipe can help to uplift your mood. Take 2 cups of Epsom salt, add lemon and rosemary essential oils and dissolve in a warm bath. The oils have a way of focusing your mind and uplifting your thoughts.

For extra moisture, add some jojoba oil.

If you want to have a little fun, just add some food coloring to the salt before adding oils or herbs.

Told you they were simple! Try them out. Mix and match different oils for different benefits. Soak up the benefits, literally.

What are your favorite bath salt recipes?

*If you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned, please substitute them for something else. Also, breastfeeding women may want to stay away from peppermint essential oils.

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