Last Minute Homemade Holiday Gifts

We now have just four days until Christmas — can you believe it?  I can’t…I’m not ready!

If you’re like me, and still have a few presents to buy, and other things to take care of, you might be looking for some easy, homemade items.  I love to make homemade gifts, because they’re really personal.  Plus they’re kind of awesome.

These are my favorite easy-to-make homemade holiday gifts!

Last-Minute Homemade Holiday Gifts

These are all things that you can make in 30 minutes or less and which are fun and/or useful to have around.  Even though I can and do make these things, I’d still love to be gifted them!

Homemade Diaper Rash Salve

This is one of my favorites and among my most-used items.  It works on diaper rash (obviously) but also as a general first aid salve.  With only five ingredients, it’s gentle, natural, and safe for babies and kids of all ages.

Arnica Salve

This is another item I’m really never without.  A basic arnica salve helps to address sore muscles, bumps, bruises, and really any minor injury that doesn’t involve broken skin.

Rosemary-Mint Sugar Scrub

This one’s just fun.  Gentle exfoliation from sugar, plus rich moisturizing from shea butter make this awesome for legs in the bath — it feels like a spa!  And it couldn’t be faster or easier to make.

Chocolate-Rose Magnesium Lotion

This is my favorite lotion, and the one I use most!  You don’t have to take the time to infuse the oil with rose petals, and if you don’t, it’s quick and easy to make.  It’s rich and nourishing for skin, and provides magnesium (which most people are deficient in).  It smells like chocolate and it has a wonderful, light texture.

Sunscreen Salve

For most of us, we’re not exactly in a time of year where we need much of this — unless, of course, you happen to be going skiing (then it’s good for faces).  It’s the only sunscreen that’s natural enough for me to use, and when we tried it on our kids last year, it worked.  I love that it contains only four ingredients, that it really works, and that it’s truly natural.

Black Drawing Salve

I’ve found this salve very helpful in my first aid kit as well.  It travels with me.  In the fall, a friend brushed up against an unknown plant and immediately broke out in small, raised bumps.  A little of this on them, and they were gone within an hour.  We’ve also used it for splinters, and for chicken pox.

Antibacterial Cut Salve

This is a handy little salve for small bleeding cuts.  It’s kind of sticky, and yellow, but my kids love having it when they get minor cuts — it makes them feel better.  (And mama knows it keeps the cuts clean!)

Sore Muscle and Headache Salve

This is the salve we use most.  I have the herbs infusing in oil at all times, so that when one batch is gone, I can make a new one.  We use this for sore muscles, headaches, sunburn, general soreness, whatever (except open wounds, because it contains arnica).  It has only five ingredients.  It’s super awesome!

Good Night Lotion

This is one of the most popular recipes on this site.  We’ve used it for about a year for our children, and when we use it regularly, they sleep better — fall asleep faster, sleep longer, wake up a bit later.  (“Later” being relative, like after 7 instead of 6 or earlier.)  Plus, it seems to help growing pains in my six-year-old.

Pineapple-Infused Face Lotion

This lotion smells soooo good — like fruit punch (because of essential oils).  It’s fairly light and awesome to use.  And, easy to make!

DIY Whipped Body Butter

This is a rich, amazing body butter that helps protect dry skin.  It has only a few simple ingredients and comes together very fast.  It’s great for pregnant women or anyone who’s looking for a dry skin or eczema cream!

These are my favorite homemade items!  I hope you find one that you love (and that works for gifts for you).  Excited for Christmas!!

What’s your favorite homemade holiday gift to make or get?

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