GAPS Thanksgiving Menu Plan

In just one week, it’s going to be Thanksgiving!

That’s awesome, and I’m looking forward to celebrating with family.  That’s really the most important part of the holiday, isn’t it?  Enjoying time with people we love, and reflecting on all that we have to be thankful for.

Of course, another major part of the holiday is food.  There’s a lot of traditional Thanksgiving fare that many people would be disappointed not to find on their tables.  Only, not all of it is suitable for those on GAPS.

We haven’t yet had a GAPS Thanksgiving.  We did a gluten-free Thanksgiving back in 2009 (which was just a couple months before we went on GAPS the first time), but not grain- and sugar-free.  This year, however…it’s time.

It’s actually possible to eat many favorites while on GAPS.  Honestly, it is.  But it isn’t easy, especially if you’re new to GAPS.  I’m going to simplify it and give you the GAPS menu plan you need!

GAPS thanksgiving menu

GAPS Thanksgiving Menu Plan

Main Dishes

Side Dishes



Pick your favorites…and create a great, healthy, GAPS-friendly meal!  I bet non-GAPS people won’t even realize it’s different!

What will you have for your GAPS Thanksgiving menu?


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