25 Best Real Food Canning Recipes

It’s the time of year where almost everything’s in season. Preserve the fresh taste of summer with real food canning!

Sure, strawberries and blueberries are (unfortunately) a thing of the past for this year.  Berries have such a short season, typically, only a week or two.  But you’ll find so many tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, peaches, apples, green beans, cabbage, and so much more.

I love fresh food.  And I love beautifully made food with slowly developed flavors that tastes almost like fresh, that I can enjoy year-round.  You just can’t buy this kind of stuff at the store.  Not really.  And certainly not with quality, real food ingredients.  If you could, the prices!!

Anyway, it’s just better to make it at home. Real food canning to the rescue!

It’s also a wonderful skill to teach the kids.  Where food grows, how and when to harvest it, bringing it home and preparing it with love, preserving it for the cold days of winter.  My kids love to open a jar of apple butter, or apple pie filling, or strawberry jam in the dark months.  It’s a little bright spot in our days.

Now, while it’s all in season, is the time to can and preserve it all.  Oh yes.

Real Food Canning Tutorials

First, the basics.  If you’ve never canned before, I promise it’s not that hard.  I’ve been doing it for about five years now (maybe six?!  I think I started when my second was a baby…he’s 6…oh it goes too fast).

Check out these tutorials.  Start with a small project.  You’ll be able to do it.

This is my little helper when I was still new to real food canning…oh, she was so small then.  She’s 3 here.  (She’s 7.5 now!)

canning real food with kids


Now on to the actual recipes.  Several of my very favorites here, plus a handful I have yet to try, but can’t wait to make.  So much deliciousness!



Other Fruits

Other Veggies

What are your favorite real food canning recipes?


About the author

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