Recipe Collection: Monkey Smoothie

It’s basically time for school to start now.  A lot of the kids in our area have already gone back.  That’s crazy!!  We still have a couple weeks ourselves; our homeschool coop doesn’t start until the first week of September.  (It’s actually before Labor Day this year, because Labor Day is so late — the 7th.)

With this busier time comes a need for simple, healthy breakfasts options.  Options that are quick.  Smoothies are often on my list for just such mornings, because, well…they fit the bill.  And kids really like them.

This “monkey” one is no exception.

SILK milk edit

What’s a Monkey Smoothie?

Well.  Recently I was introduced to Silk Cashew Milk.  I was intrigued by this because for my dairy-free friends, cashew is one of their favorites.  Most of the best dairy substitutes are made from cashew or coconut, so I had to learn more.

The cashew milk comes in original, unsweetened, vanilla, and chocolate.  It’s dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free — so it’s good for those with allergies.  (It’s obviously not nut-free.  It contains both cashews and almonds.)  I bought vanilla and chocolate because those sounded good.  And chocolate would make the perfect smoothie base.  It also has less sugar than regular chocolate milk!

It’s a monkey smoothie because it contains chocolate cashew milk, nut butter, and bananas.  That makes it protein-rich and nourishing, and it’s the food that monkeys eat!  (Plus it’s a fun name for the kids.)  You could easily toss in a handful of spinach, kale or other greens and no one would know…and it boosts the nutrition even more.


  • 1 c. Silk chocolate cashew milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 c. nut butter (peanut, almond, etc.)
  • 1/2 c. ice, or enough to make it the desired thickness
  • Small handful of greens (optional)


Step 1: Add all the ingredients to a blender, and blend until smooth.  That’s it!

Serve immediately.  Makes about 2 c. of smoothie, enough for 2 kids or one adult.  You can freeze the banana ahead of time so that it’s peeled and ready to go, and it’ll make the smoothie even thicker and creamier — you might not even need ice.

My daughter really liked it — she proclaimed “This is better than a regular milkshake, mom!”

SILK Bekah with smoothie edit

Of course, if you run out of time, cashew milk by itself, or over cereal is always good too. 🙂

Monkey Smoothie

Servings 2 cups


  • 1 cup Silk chocolate cashew milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup nut butter (peanut, almond, etc.)
  • 1/2 cup ice, or enough to make it the desired thickness
  • Small handful of greens (optional)


  • Add all the ingredients to a blender, and blend until smooth.
    Serve immediately.

What’s your favorite quick breakfast?

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.
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