DIY Skin-Nourishing Natural Shaving Cream

Last year, I bought my husband a bar of shaving soap at a local farmer’s market.  I told him, “Here, this is more natural — try it.”  Unfortunately, it did not have the same results as a shaving cream and left his skin with red bumps and sore.


When we moved last summer, I ended up buying him a small can of regular old shaving cream.  This thick cream helped a lot with the red bumps, leaving his skin smooth and clear with no irritation.  But it also led to junk in his throat because of the chemicals.


There had to be a middle ground!  A way to choose natural ingredients that would lead to a smooth, irritation-free shave.


After doing some reading, I found that most do not use soaps, but rather a nourishing cream like this one.  I played with the ingredients a bit and came up with this version.  It’s essentially like a whipped body butter with green clay in it.  I chose the ingredients specifically to nourish skin.  In fact, it works as both shaving cream and moisturizer!


This shaving cream contains shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, apricot oil, and French green clay.  French green clay helps to smooth skin and reduce redness and scarring, which is why I included it.  It also acts as a bit of a stabilizer.  The oils and butters all moisturize, protect, and heal skin too.  I especially love cocoa butter and apricot oil for skin care products for those reasons.


It’s pretty easy to make this, and it will last a while.  Store the lotion away from excessive heat. If it melts it won’t be as fluffy. It’ll still work, though!


Natural Shaving Cream



  • 4 tbsp. shea butter
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa butter
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 4 tbsp. apricot oil
  • 2 tsp. French green clay




Step 1: Put the oils and butters into a small saucepan over very low heat, just until melted.

Step 2: Pour the melted oils into a small glass bowl and put it in the fridge until solid, about 30 minutes.

Step 3: Add the French green clay to the solid oils.

Step 4: Use a mixer to whip the oils until soft and fluffy.

Step 5: Transfer to a glass jar.  This makes about 6 – 7 oz. (depending on fluffiness).


To use: Put a small amount (about a dime-sized amount for faces, a bit more for legs) and smooth it onto skin.  Shave as usual, rinsing your razor often.  Rub the leftover cream into your face or legs for a smooth finish.


If you don’t have the time or ingredients, this Nourishing Shaving Soap Bar leaves skin amazingly smooth and protects the skin during shaving.

Do you use homemade shaving cream, or have you been wanting to try?

About the author

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5 thoughts on “DIY Skin-Nourishing Natural Shaving Cream”

  1. Hey,

    I was not aware that a shaving cream can be made in home. It is very good for sensitive skin peoples. Peoples who hesitate to shave because their shaving cream cause irritation, this natural shaving cream is good thing.

    Thanks 🙂

  2. My husband has red bumps on his back and front. It itches some but not a lot. He has been to a dermatologist who gave him some expensive ointment and lotion that has only helped marginally. I use no dye, scent free laundry detergent and specialty soap in shower. We’ve tried tea tree lotion, flax oil and coconut oil. We don’t know what else to try. Any suggestions?

  3. Hi Kate,
    When you said that regular shaving cream “led to junk in his throat”, did you mean that it caused your husband to produce phlegm?? Just curious because my husband is constantly clearing his throat, and I never suspected his shaving cream!!


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