Cooling Lemon Chamomile Popsicles

Enjoy the rest of this summer and the outdoor heat with these cooling lemon chamomile popsicles. They’re delicious and healthy!

By Katie Stanley, Contributing Writer

Children of all ages love popsicles! Okay, so do adults, who are we joking here. I still remember the days at friend’s houses when we would suck on cold bright-colored pops. I loved them but those will never be seen in my house if I have anything to do with it.

Thankfully I have a mama that raised me right and knew the harm that sugar can have on people, especially little children. Instead, we had tasty homemade popsicles made from fruit juices. The freezer was always full of them and if for some reason we did run out new ones were made right away.

As an adult, I still have a soft spot in my heart for popsicles. I think part of it may come from my time spent in Mexico eating yummy pelatas, which are large, amazing fruity popsicles. There are endless flavor combos out there but this time I decided to keep it simple using four ingredients that refresh and sooth after a hot day playing outside. I chose chamomile, lemon juice, coconut water and raw honey.

One of my favorite herbs to use in popsicles is chamomile. Chamomile has a sweet, mild taste with a hint of apple flavor. It is a soothing and relaxing herb. It calms upset tummies and digestive tracts. It also rehydrates the body by balancing out the electrolytes, perfect after spending a long time in the hot sun.

Coconut water is an amazing source of electrolytes (you can drink it instead of commercial electrolyte drinks), containing potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and phosphorous. It also contains nutrients such as lauric acid, chloride, and iron. Plus it’s tasty!

Raw honey is used in this recipe as a sweetener but it is also extremely good for your health! Lemons are incredibly beneficial to your health as well but I used them here for the sake of flavor.

These lemon chamomile popsicles will rehydrate and cool you off on a hot summer day! They will also have a calming effect on kiddos that have had too much fun in the sun making them the perfect after dinner treat!

Lemon Chamomile Popsicles

Lemon Chamomile Popsicles


  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups coconut water
  • 1/4 cup dried chamomile (or 4 tea bags)
  • 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice


Step 1: Bring two cups of water to a boil. Turn off the heat, add the chamomile and honey. Stir until the honey dissolves.

Step 2: Allow to cool for one hour.

Step 3: Strain the chamomile, reserving the liquid, this makes about 4 cups of liquid.

Step 4: Add the chamomile tea to the coconut water and lemon juice. Mix and pour into molds.

Step 5: Pour into popsicle molds or small paper cup, inserting a popsicle stick.

Step 6: Allow to freeze until solid.

The number of popsicles this makes will depend on your molds.  Most likely 8 – 12 popsicles.

What are your favorite popsicle flavors?


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