Simple Gifts: Peppermint Lip Balm

There is something delightful about opening a gift that someone made just for you. If you are looking for a homemade gift, try this simple and nourishing peppermint lip balm.

By Katie Mae Stanley, Contributing Writer

Christmas is just around the corner! Before you know it decorations will be everywhere you look and stores will be crowded with people. I don’t know about you but crowds of people all searching for “the perfect gift” drains me. I prefer to do my shopping early, buy online or make my own. I love to give and receive simple homemade gifts.

There is something delightful about opening a gift that someone made just for you. Another perk to making your own gifts is that you can control what ingredients go into them if they are consumables.

Homemade lip balm is a gift that everyone loves and is sure to use. It only takes four ingredients, cocoa butter, coconut oil, bee’s wax, and essential oil. It feels amazing and leaves your lips feeling soft. Cocoa butter is moisturizing; creating a barrier between sensitive skin and the environment. Coconut oil is antibacterial and moisturizing; providing healing to your chapped lips.

Simple Homemade Gift Ideas

Homemade lip balm makes the perfect stocking stuffer or addition to another gift. Every year since I can remember my mom always put a chapstick tube or lip balm in our stockings. Maybe you can start a new tradition with your kids this year!

peppermint lip balm

Peppermint Lip Balm

6 TBS beeswax
4 TBS coconut oil
4 TBS cocoa butter
20 drops peppermint essential oil
24 chapstick tubes or 10 1/2 oz tins

lip balm ingredients

1. Melt the cocoa butter, coconut oil and bee’s wax in a double boiler over medium heat.Stir slowly to mix it all together. If don’t have a double boiler (like me) you can fill a small pan with with water, place a dish rag in the bottom and place a pyrex measuring cup on the cloth to prevent breakage.
melting wax
2. Remove from heat and add the essential oil. Stir gently to incorporate.
add essential oils
3. Place all the tubes or tins on a piece of parchment paper. Use a medicine dropper to fill the chapstick tubes. Let cool and top with more oil mixture because the top will be slightly concave. If you are using tins carefully pour the hot liquid into the tins until full. If any oil spills or drops on the paper, simply scrap off when hardened and remelt. Cap your tubes/tins and allow to cool.
lip balm in tins

What is your favorite homemade gift to give or receive?

About the author

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16 thoughts on “Simple Gifts: Peppermint Lip Balm”

  1. Where did you find the tins? This is a great Christmas idea! I see a few different kinds of beeswax. As long as it is food grade it should be acceptable to use in a lip balm, correct?

  2. Just made these today as part of my homemade gifts for my family. They came out great! My 2 year old is “addicted” to lip balm. When I gave her her own freshly made tube she exclaimed, “You made this for me?! Oh my gawd! Thank you soooo much mommy!” 🙂 The only thing I will say is that I used tubes and tried to fill them with a medicine dropper, but it would cool off and get stuck in the dropper instead of coming out. So I just carefully filled them from the pyrex measuring cup. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. Pingback: Peppermint Uses and Benefits (Use this common herb to combat IBS, nausea, and headaches…)
  4. Where did you get the metal caps from? It looks like the link you sent us to has plastic lids, not metal. Such a cute idea. Thank you for sharing.


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