Almond and Coconut Flour Pie Crust

With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, there’s bound to be pie in your life sometime soon!  Whether you’re hosting a holiday and have friends with dietary restrictions, or you yourself have food allergies, it’s always a good idea to have a few allergen-free tricks up your sleeve.  Try these recipes for almond and coconut flour pie crust!

Here are two pie crust recipes- one made with almond flour, and another made with coconut flour.  Both are completely grain-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free.  Both are really easy to make and neither one requires chilling or a rolling pin!  Who says special diets have to be inconvenient?  Both crusts are tasty enough that you’ll feel good about serving them to the whole crowd, not just to people who are used to eating “weird recipes.”

2 Pie Crust Recipes - Gluten Free, Dairy Free

Almond Flour Pie Crust

  • 2 cups blanched almond flour
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons almond milk, or other liquid (If you want to achieve a sweeter crust, you could substitute the milk with pure maple syrup or apple juice.)
  • spices, optional (Here’s where you can get creative- add cinnamon, nutmeg or even cocoa powder for a sweet pie; garlic powder or parsley for a savory pie like pot pie.)

In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg.  Stir in flour and milk and mix until dough forms a ball.  Press into a 9-inch pie pan.  Bake for 18-20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Coconut Flour Pie Crust

  • 3/4 cup coconut flour
  • 2 tablespoons flax seed meal
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch Real Salt
  • 1/2 cup solid extra virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons carrot juice, broth, nut milk or water (I used carrot juice because coconut flour doesn’t “brown” well and I wanted the tint.)
  • spices, optional (This crust is especially yummy for savory pies such as a pot pie.)

In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs.  Stir in coconut oil.  Add dry ingredients and liquid and stir until dough forms a loose, sticky ball.  Press into a 9-inch pie pan.  Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

What are your favorite kinds of pies?


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7 thoughts on “Almond and Coconut Flour Pie Crust”

  1. So if I wanted to use the almond flour one to make an apple pie, does it hold together well enough that I could make the top crust? Or will this only be suitable for a bottom crust?

    • I didn’t create these recipes (our contributor Kimball did), but having worked with an almond flour crust once, I would suggest doing something else for a topping. Almond flour + cinnamon + maple syrup or sucanat + coconut oil makes a great crumb topping.

  2. Hey Kimball or Kate, I was wondering if these froze well? I like to put my pies together a week or so in advance, freeze, then pop right in the oven. What do you think?

  3. I tried the coconut one for pot pie and just couldn’t get past the strong coconut flavor that didnt go with pot pie. I will probably stick with that one for just sweet stuff.

    • Hi Talia,
      The problem might be because you used extra virgin coconut oil as the recipe states.. trying using just coconut oil – think of olive oil.. the more extra virgin it is, the more olive taste you get. I cook/fry/bake everything with coconut oil (not the virgin) and nothing tastes like coconut. I usually make Almond flour crust; but would love to try the coconut flour one 🙂


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